

Ask @Aunndreaa

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very social network you have,get the fuck over you're self please. Any body can swing at you and break you with out a doubt stfu and stop trying to act like you're the shit,cause you're making you're self look stupid af,beyond attention seeking,& scandalous.


didn't have you're so called "friends" to back you up,she'd beat the shit out of you. Sit the fuck down and try to solve you're own problems without getting half of social media involved. You call Denise an attention seeker? That's really funny cause you're the one fronting that you beat her up on


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Up and had a clean fight not some pussy shit like what you pulled. You're beyond stupid for making such a big deal dude. If you and Denise have a problem settle YOU and DENISE not anybody else,but clearly you can't fucken do that cause you're a fucken pussy and out of every body you know that if you


seriously Andrea you're making you're self looking so stupid. You fought Denise? Big fucken deal you're not any more special than before you got down with her. Clearly she slipped and you and you're scandalous ass friends are claiming that you "knocked her down". Why not actually wait till she got


Truth is your absolutely perfect! we should go to knotts soon & miss your brother(holy shit) & your mom! We definitely need to hangout soon & if you ever need anything I'm here for you bb ilysm ❤️❤️:)

aw I love you! & let's go to knotts sooon omg ❤️❤️

what did Denise at least do to you? I thought she got down, fight again!

I already answered this question

well I'm getting a car so I can just pick you up :) and thank you!❤️

oh yeah, okay sounds good :-) & your welcome luv ❤️


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