
Austin Parker

Have you ever thought of writing your own fanfiction? And if the answer's yes, what would the fanfic be based on?

SonnySlavin’s Profile PhotoSonnyslavenproductions
Well, if I did write a fanfiction, I would make it be based on two rumored kombatants, Aqua Hydroxybot and Red Robin...mostly because I kinda thought it would be cool

Latest answers from Austin Parker

How would you feel if someone were to include a character from one Lawl in their Lawl, but keeping the exact same moveset you made, and having him/her be DLC rather than a starter or unlockable?

BillySlavenTheFirst’s Profile PhotoBilly Slaven
Eh, It wouldn't surprise me as much

Which fictional character would you date?

Come now, you know I would absolutely date Cinder Fall from RWBY, I mean it's pretty obvious (And if I would have another one to date...Esdeath from Akame Ga Kill no question about it)

How many Microsoft employees are need to replace an overheated light bulb?

None, because they are too busy making Windows 11

Why do people give up so easily on relationships nowadays? Are we becoming more and more selfish?

I think the better answer is...we just rather be left alone...that's all

What’s the best advice you can throw at me?

When life gives you lemons....tell life that you are allergic to that stuff and you get hives and then you die

Language: English