

Ask @AzarHeartnet

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will you marry a girl who is no longer virgin ?

Yes. Virgin or not wasn't even the problem in the first place. She must have her own circumstances for losing her virginity. And yeah maybe I only know this after being married to her but I'll still accept her. She must have her reason for not telling me about it. Maybe she had a dark past she's not ready to reveal. Maybe she had an accident. You're someone who she depends on. If you toss he aside because of her dark past you might shatter her self confidence. If she's someone who wants to turn over a new leaf then you just turn her back into her old self. If I love her then I have to learn to accept all this. if I don't, then it isn't because she's not good enough for me, but it is me that doesn't worth her. Don't judge someone because of her past even if we knew the truth behind it. People change. And you'll gonna live the present and future her, not the past. Guide her to the right way. Protect her and make her feel loved. Don't throw away an angel because of trivial things like this. There are more to a woman that makes a good wife than virginity.

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Mcm mana kau handle bila org benci kau for no reason?

IDGAF. Haters gonna hate. Should I answer like that? No i won't. You know when people hates me for any reason or no reason at all, it really bugs me. It'll always in my mind "why did he/she hates me?" "what did I do?" "Did I do something wrong?" "Did I pissed someone off more than I should?" These thought kept me feeling insecure sometimes for days. How do I handle this? I just make normal expression. Do things like I do everyday. Keep all the thoughts to myself. Usually people hates you for something. If they don't have any reason, then it'll be weird. How can you hate someone without reason? But if that do happen, get yourself closer to them. Just make them your friends. When you get closer to them, that hatred will turn into love. Not the lovey dovey love but friendship love. Though I'm actually all talk. When people hate me I fall into depression. And how do I handle depression? I sleep.

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azmi, 3 kriteria seorg wanita yg kau nak buat bini. yg mmg wajib ada. kalau takde, kau mmg teragak2 nak buat isteri. apakah 3 kriteria tersebut?

1 - Wanita tulen. Yang ubah jantina tolak jauh2.
2 - Islam coz kalau tak islam cane nak kahwin.
3 - Bersedia untuk berubah. Maksudnya kalau ditegur dia sedia berubah. Maybe not instantly but surely.

AnugerahSuzuranPalingPopular #ASPP 1.Suzuran paling hensem 2.Suzuran paling cantik 3.Suzuran paling anggun 4.Suzuran paling ayu 5.Suzuran paling hot 6.Suzuran paling cool 7.Suzuran paling stylo 8.Suzuran paling comel 9.Suzuran paling attractive 10.Suzuran paling femes

1. Leyah
2. Nadee
3. As
4. Dyan
5. Khaisya
6. Shuk
7. Syuk
8. Rafiq
9. Syuk
10. Shuk

Why do zombies attack?

Because they hungry. And they wanted education but they're poor and lazy. So instead of going to school, they ate living human's brain because they thought that would make them much more clever. But clearly we can see that this is untrue as they still can't cook or talk properly even after eating countless off human brain. But they didn't know this since they haven't went to school and they are still stupid for eating rotting brain and flesh. Najib is to be blame for this since he caused all living expense to increase and this affected greatly to the dead. From this we can see that Najib is also stupid. So the real reason why zombie attack is because Najib is stupid.

Yeah sangat sedih but its ok. Well, same like you, i susah nak suka orang and bila i suka, mean i really suka so takde la tak move on. Move on la jugak. Tapi hahahah entahla 😌

Hahaha. We can get along really well. Jk. Well sampai masa awak kena decide nanti whether to hold on or move on so awak kena bersedia.
Liked by: Aina Maysha Azreena

Define love.

Love is when she always talk about the handsome boy in her class. She tells you how much she likes the model in the tv commercial. She said she dream of having a handsome rich husband. But she said "I choose you".
Love is when you became insecure with her friends and you're jealous and she said "there is only you".
Love is when you make her cry, you make her mad and you make her sad and she said "I forgive you"
Love is when you were in hardship and everyone leaves, she said "I'll stay with you".
Love is when she is bothered, or she have problems but when you ask, she said "I don't want to bother you"
Love is when you left her for a long time, and when you came back and ask if she have a new person, she said "It still is you"
Love is when even though she didn't have any of these, you still say to her "I love you".

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Any advice for guys out there?

When you find a girl who loves you, treasure her. You may not yet know this, but it hurts to have unrequited love. You may not see how she truly is while you're busy looking at someone else. Take some time and know her. If you still can't find yourself loving any part of her tell her the truth. Don't leave her hanging. You may not know what you've lost. While you're busy looking away, some other guy will try to keep her company. They put a smile on her face. They made her happy. And when you realize how precious she is, she's long gone with a guy who truly appreciate her. Some time things don't come as how we want them to be, but come as how we need them to be. Think carefully, have you ever made a girl cry alone on their bed at night? How many heart you broke because of you? There are two kind of mistake. One is the thing that you did. And the other is thing that you didn't do. Think really carefully and open your eyes. Before it's too late.

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Liked by: mysara


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