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ما هو الشيء الوحيد الذي لا يعرفه عنك الكثير من الناس؟

Teftakar an tarama al nas mesh 3rfah yab2a Ana ha2ol xD??
W teftakar any ha2olholak aslan xD??

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Is it more difficult for you to look into someone's eyes and tell them you like them or to look into someone's eyes and tell them you don't have feelings for them?

Mr Asker
I Think both xD la2 bas al Tanya as3ab any 2a2olo any mesh ba7bo as3ab baktiir

Best days???

XD la2 katiir awi xD
Anahrda kan yom to7fa<3 yara's birthday<3
W ambara7 kan fazii3<3 #SCOUT<3
W awal ambara7<3 Laila's birthday<3
W al JOM<3 w fi katir awi


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