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law ana mesahba wahed w fe wahed ally i love you w howa beyhebeny bgd wana msh 3ayza a2olo la2 3shn i love him , i love them both , w my bf msh beyhasesny en he cares a lot ya3ny el 2aly cares more a3mel eh ? arou7 le meen ?!

Bosy Ana aslan mesh moktan3a bal so7obaya aslan bas howa bayan an al 2alak howa bay7bk aktar w bayhtam aktar fa dah al yastahal bas Ana mesh 3rfa law anty bat7bih bas bosy man al a5ar anty tasiby el etnen la2n Ana mesh moktan3a bal so7baya aslan

Do you remember your first kiss?

La2 da anta magnoun rasmy w 3ayz tetshatam al so2al dah mayts2lsh fa masr xD danta hatshouf shawyt egabat :P
Liked by: Sara Shawky

سأبدأ كُلّ يـومي بقول : " أعتقد أنّ شيئاً رائعاً سيحدث اليوم♥ ! " سأكرّرها مِراراً و تِكراراً ، فـان عبر اليوم ولم يحدث شيء فأني قمت بعباده عظيمه ؛ *وهي حسن الظن بالله هكذا يكون جلب آلسعآده ! فالأمنيات مهما تأجلت سيأتي فجرها لتشرق، فاستبشروا وتفائلوا وأنتم تسيرون في خطى تحقيقها

Liked by: *_^

Discribe yourself b kelma wa7da? <3

3amatan mesh 3rfa xD asly law 2olt hay2olo ma3'rora fa 5alini sakta a7san xD

hal tochahedin el t.v el massry eh howa she3ourak ??

Na3am Ana oshahad el television el masry w sho3ory gayad xD

You there,send this to everyone you think is beautiful,the one reading this.I want you to do something. S M I L E smile because you are beautiful..because you are amazing ...because you are unique....because you can...because tomorrow is a new day.....because no matter what you think......someone l

:P *~Bîbä~* :P
HABIBA<333 Thank you<3 ba7ebakk<3
Liked by: :P *~Bîbä~* :P

You there,send this to everyone you think is beautiful,the one reading this.I want you to do something. S M I L E smile because you are beautiful..because you are amazing ...because you are unique....because you can...because tomorrow is a new day.....because no matter what you think......someone l

Liked by: Heba☆

You there,send this to everyone you think is beautiful,the one reading this.I want you to do something. S M I L E smile because you are beautiful..because you are amazing ...because you are unique....because you can...because tomorrow is a new day.....because no matter what you think.... Someone thi


You there,send this to everyone you think is beautiful,the one reading this.I want you to do something. S M I L E smile because you are beautiful..because you are amazing ...because you are unique....because you can...because tomorrow is a new day.....because no matter what you think...

Thank you<33
Liked by: Ahmed Gaafer

Hya de fiha kalam? Dp=0/10 Answers 0/10 w 7oty 1 abl el 0 xD :p

3la fakra wa2fty alby xD thank you ya gamousa<3 xD
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