

Ask @BebeongXD

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Not anyone an dance and perform on stage without fear and nervousness when their sick so don't blame bernice if your so good why not u dance for whole school to see anon? Talk so much shit no nice words just fuck off:)

thanks man(:

anon doesn't know what happened to u just don't care.. You were sick and no one could ever blame u for it as sickness come and goes unlike ur talents stays where it is and never going away. Just remember dont let these hateful comments about your dance affect u as it isn't true. Your dance was A**(:

thanks man(: idk who you are but you are so nice(:

lol anon u think u can dance very well uh? oh wait ur hobby is being a pussy being screens... sry i forgot :-( the fact tt she danced even when she was nt feeling well makes her a fighter unlike u loser. get a life n get a new hobby =.= stay strong bern <<33

abigail lee
thanks abiii(: <333 thankyousosososomuch(:
Liked by: abigail lee

how dare you. bernice is one of the best dancers i know of. and the fact that she threw up 8 times before the performance and still be able to dance so well, just proves that she can do amazing things.because you're probably talentless and at home hating on ppl bc you're jealous, u dont have to hate

thanks ally(: <333
Liked by: jolene :-) Allison

OMG anonnn may you kindly shut the fuck up?!:D she was sick but she still danced so well. Did you not see how pale she was? She vomited 7 times anon. You know what, if you are criticising her for her "lagging behind", how about you dance? :) and god dammit anon, she's flex as fk and she's in dance?!

Thankyou anon(: but chill its okayy

Fk off anon at least she made an effort to dance on teachers day not like you hateing on ppl _|_ Bernice you did well :)

thanks alot ryan(:
Liked by: Ryan

✨Imitation✨ OMG Celes you damn cool I swear You damn awesome You very smart I love you Very swek Very cool I like it No Ehh stop You bae Celes is a princess (All truth. Don't deny (; )

oh my gosh god bless me HAHAHHAHAHA BUT YES YOU BAE<3


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