

Ask @BebeongXD

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what r u doing now

uhh skyping with some seniors but im not talking at all ahahha and the connection just got disconnected so..
Liked by: ëmilyn

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idk alot though so im just gonna say the ones i know..some dk me though ahahha
lyon james kaiwen bryant and idk already ahahahha
Liked by: ëmilyn

How often do you change your mobile phone?

uhh like when my phone spoils then i change there isnt a fixed timing or anything but the phone im currently using is like free from M1 so..yeahh
Liked by: ëmilyn

TBH i jealous that you are so flexible :( HAHA BUT i still love you ;) dont forget me arh after i left the school! and good luck with your streaming exams :D

hehe i will never forget you!! thankyouu ily too<3 hehe good luck for o'levels!
Liked by: ëmilyn

Who u lyk?

When you find a love so perfect
One that you’re sure is meant to be
One that fills all your senses
And makes you feel complete
One that brings contentment,
Peace, hope and joy, too
How do you say goodbye
To the other half of you?
When you find a love so beautiful
One that awakens all your dreams
One that brings such happiness
And makes you feel carefree
How do you find the strength
To simply let it go;
How do you say goodbye
To a part of your soul?
I just love you so much wifi and pizza(:


Language: English