
Beabars Abaza

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كيف فيني روح اكتئاب ماعبخليني اعرف ادرس ؟؟

بيروح لحالو لما يتعبى الوقت و يتنظم الوقت بحيث ما يكون في مجال اصلا الو
هيك انا برأي و خلي دايما يكون عندك هدف و شي يحفزك ابسط الاشياء و الحياة احلا من انو الواحد يكتئب و يتقوقع على حالو لو شو ما صار معو

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بدي اطلب منك تسامحني لاني بيوم من الايام حكيت عليك، بتمنالك كل التوفيق ومن قلبي بتمنى تسامحني

ليش كل هل دراما

A is the father of B. But B is not the son of A. How’s that possible?

It's like a communication system in military radios
B gets the information from A but can't give it back at the same time
Some how it's irrelevant but anyway this came up on mind my
Liked by: Naya Ismael.

بتفضل البنت الطبيعية ولا الشايفة حالا؟ وازا كنت معجب بالبنت البتشوف حالا عليك ممكن تركض وراها؟ وليش؟

بفضل للمتوازنة
و اكيد لا لانو صار الاعجاب من طرف واحد و حتى اذا اخدت اهتمامها بعد فترة رح يكون متل الضراط
Liked by: Naya Ismael.

Is it insensitive to be hurting over your own problems when someone else with greater problems is hurting too?

Depends on how close that person to me and yeah when it comes to problems I solve mine first so I could properly help that someone.

How do you stay strong for others at times when you can't even be strong for yourself?

Sometimes you be surprised of how much power you have inside you, you just need to learn how to use it if not for yourself maybe for others.
Liked by: Stella Miracula

If every life of an acquaintance was a novel you could read, how would this change the way you interact?

Depends on the novel I'm reading..
Awal shi 5atar 3ala bali eno momken tseer 7ayati klla musical xD which I tottally hate that..


Language: English