
⚡》Underswap!Sans [Berry]《⚡

Ask @BerrySans

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*Ink hiss to him hard but then he whimper tearing up, start choking ohh wow 😂😂😂😂😂*

* ɓɛʀʀy tѳѳk ɦiɱ ɑɳɗ pɛt ɦiร รkuʆʆ, รɦѳѵɛ iɳk ѳɳ ɦiร ɱѳutɦ ɳѳt ɓɛԲѳʀɛ pɑtiɳg ɦɑʀɗ ɦiร ɓɑck 😂😂😂😂😂
Liked by: SoullessAUMaker

((As long as your fine then that's nice to hear and I'm alright, anything new though?))

(( ɳѳpɛ, tɛʆʆ ɱɛ, wɦɑt ɑʀɛ yѳu ɗѳiɳg? ))

Sophie:*en eso termina su flashback,preocupada* no te preocupes Andy, el pronto irá a donde pertenece. Cindy:-teniendo un flashback sobre Bonnie-*escuchando una cierta guitarra, la gata buscaba de dónde provenía puesto le recordaba algo* Dé dónde vendra eso?

★ Rody the Hedgehog [Gone]
ɓѳɳɳiɛ; * ɛรtɑɓɑ tѳcɑɳɗѳ รu guitɑʀʀɑ cɑʆɱɑɗѳ, ɱiɛɳtʀɑร tɑʀɑʀɛɑɓɑ y รѳɳʀɛiɑ รuɑѵɛɱɛɳtʀ *

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*noow a Ink looking similar to the profile pic pass by Blue pulling out a knife meanwhile he seems to be up to something again ohh nuu Berry Ruru or someone might need to get a leash to use 😂😂😂😂*

* ɓɛʀʀy tѳѳk iɳk ɓy tɦɛ ɳɛck ɑɳɗ tɦʀѳw ɦiɱ tѳ ɑ wɑʆʆ, ɑwww 😂😂😂😂😂 *
Liked by: SoullessAUMaker

((How's it going? We haven't talked in a while))

(( yɛɑɑɑɦ ɛѵɛʀytɦiɳg'ร ɑ ɓit ɱɛรรɛɗ up ɓut Բiɳɛ! ɦѳw ɑʀɛ yѳu? ))

// he adelantado un poco el rol xDD -corresponde- // Chica: -mira a su esposo y acaricia.su mejilla lentamente, se da cuenta de su pequeño Matt y lo carga- vamos dormir.mi amor // Miki: aquí Estas -lo abraza- no te encontré en la.cama.conmigo así que pensé que mo estabas

Kawaiilovers42’s Profile Photo♥ ParkJimin♥
(( ʀɑiѳz, ɓuɛɳѳ 😂😂😂😂😂 ))
ɱɑtt: ɱɑɱi ! * รѳɳʀiɛɳɗѳ รɛ ɑcuʀʀucɑ y ʆɑ ѵɛ ɱɑร quɛ Բɛʆiz * ɳu tɛɳgѳ รɦuɛñѳ -3-
⚡ ɦɛɦ, pɛʀɗѳɳɑ ɛรtɑɓɑ cɦɛcɑɳɗѳ uɳɑร cѳรɑร, ¿pѳʀ quɛ ɳѳ ʀɛgʀɛรɑɱѳร ɑ ʆɑ cɑɱɑ y รiʀѵɛ tɛ ɗѳy uɳ ɱɑรɑʝɛ, uɦɱ? ⚡
* cѳʀʀɛรpѳɳɗɛ y ʆɑ cɑʀgɑ cuiɗɑɗѳรɑɱɛɳtɛ *
Liked by: ♥ ParkJimin♥

*Swap hug him close and let him stay in there meanwhile he stroke his skull and wipe his tears awww 😂😂😂* Swap: Sans...I..see ya as something more you're this cool protector ya can actually take a hit... and ya don't get tired out from using a certain amount of powers..*he sighs looking down aww 😂😂*

TheBrokenSkeleton(and AUs)
⚡pɑpyʀuร... ⚡
* รɱiʆɛ ɑɳɗ ɦugɛɗ ɦiร Բɑcɛ tigɦt, รigɦร ɑɳɗ pɛt ɦiร รkuʆʆ ɑwww 😂😂😂😂😂 *
⚡ tɦɑɳk yѳu, yѳu'ʀɛ ɛѵɛɳ ɱѳʀɛ cѳѳʆɛʀ tɦɑɳ ɱɛ, uɦ? ⚡

(and now she gonna close her acc s..sorry again just didn't want to ruin things even more and yet..*hug you close*)

TheBrokenSkeleton(and AUs)
( ɦѳw ɱɑɳy tiɱɛร i ɳɛɛɗ tѳ รɑy tѳ yѳu ɑɳɗ ɗѳɳ't รѳʀʀy yѳu?, รѳɱɛtiɱɛร ɛѵɛʀytɦiɳg cɑɳ cɦɑɳgɛ tѳ ɓɑɗ ɑɳɗ wɛ ɳɛɛɗ tѳ pʀѳѵɛ ɓѳtɦ รiɗɛร ѳԲ tɦɑt, ʆѳѳk, i'ʆʆ tʀy tѳ tɑʆk tѳ ɦɛʀ ɓut i'ɱ ɳѳt รuʀɛ ɑɳɗ รɦɛ wiʆʆ ʀɛɑɗ ɱɛ, ɓut ɦɛy ɗѳɳ't Բɛɛʆ ɓɑɗ, it iรɳ't Բɑuʆt ѳԲ ɑɳyѳɳɛ * ɦugร cɦu tigɦt * )

Chica: -se encontraba en la piratecove tapando a sus pequeños con sus mantas ya que se habían quedado dormidos- // Miki: -se encontraba en la casa algo cansada frotando un poco sus ojos- snas donde estas?

Kawaiilovers42’s Profile Photo♥ ParkJimin♥
(( ɱizu cɦɑɳ ɛรtѳy cѳɳԲuɳɗiɗɑ :'ѵ * tɛ ɑɓʀɑzɑ * ))
* Բѳxy ɛรtɑɓɑ ʆʆɛѵɑɳɗѳ pizzɑ ɑ รu ɑɱɑɗɑ y ɑ รuร pɛquɛñѳร ɱiɛɳtʀɑร ɱɑtt ѵɛiɑ ɑ รu ɱɑɗʀɛ cѳɳ รuɛñitѳ *
* ɑpɑʀɛcɛ ɗɛtʀɑร ɗɛ ɛʆʆɑ, ɛรtɑɓɑ ɑʆgѳ รѳɱɳѳʆiɛɳtѳ pɛʀѳ ɛรtɑɓɑ ɓiɛɳ *
⚡ ¿quɛ ѳcuʀʀɛ, ɱiki? ⚡
Liked by: ♥ ParkJimin♥

*annd a random carrot appear outta nowhere tackling Blue before he tries to do something 😂😂😂😂😂* Swap: b-bro wait!!! what the heck were ya trying to do?..

TheBrokenSkeleton(and AUs)
⚡ ɳѳtɦiɳg pɑpร, ɱɑyɓɛ รѳɱɛ tɑcѳร... wɦy yѳu ʆѳѳk wѳʀʀiɛɗ? ⚡
* รɱiʆɛ witɦ รѳɱɛ tɛɑʀร ѳɳ รѳckɛtร ɑɳɗ cuɗɗʆɛ iɳรiɗɛ ɦiร ɦѳѳɗiɛ ɑwww 😂😂😂😂 *

...Wait..Sans..I..I'm sorry...wasn't trying to take him away from you I promise.. *sighs walking over to him, get next to him aww 😂😂😂* now was he with you first?...or was he with you too?..

⚡ ɦɛɦ... tɦɑt ɗѳɛรɳ't ɱɑttɛʀ ɳѳw... i ɑʆʀɛɑɗy kɳѳw ɑɳɗ ɦɛ รtiʆʆ ʆѳѵiɳg yѳu... ɦɛ ѳɳʆy รɛɛร ɱɛ ʆikɛ ɑ ɓʀѳ ɑɳɗ ɳѳtɦiɳg ɱѳʀɛ, ɑɳɗ it'ร ѳk... ɑԲtɛʀ ɑʆʆ, ɳѳ ɱɑttɛʀ ɦѳw ɦɑʀɗ i tʀy, tɦɑt ɗѳɛรɳ't gѳɳɳɑ cɦɑɳgɛ... i pʀɛԲɛʀ tɦɛ gѳѳɗ รiɗɛ tɦɑɳ tɦɛ ѳtɦɛʀ, yɑ kɳѳw, i'ɱ ɓʀѳkɛɳ ⚡
* รigɦร รɱiʆiɳg ɑɳɗ ʆѳѳk ɑt ɦɛʀ, ɑwww 😂😂😂😂 ɓɛʀʀy yѳu'ʀɛ gʀѳw up ɑʆʀɛɑɗy! *

i'm bored , and it's finals at school , and ....and it's finals at school....well...how are you? X)

⚡ i'ɱ ɑ ɓit ɗѳwɳ tɓɦ, ɓuuuut ɳѳtɦiɳg tɦɑɳ รѳɱɛ tɑcѳร cɑɳ Բix... ⚡
Liked by: Horror

What did you dream about last night?

⚡ ɳѳtɦiɳg... รѳʀʀy ɓut... i'ɱ ɳѳt Բɛɛʆiɳg ѳk ʀigɦt ɳѳw... ⚡
* ɦɛ wɑร ѳɳ wɑtɛʀԲɑʆʆร รitɛɗ, tɑkiɳg ɦiร ɦɛɑɗ ɑɳɗ รigɦ ɑ ɓit ɗɛɛpɛʀ, ѳɦ ɳuɦ ɓɛʀʀy ɱigɦt ɓɛ ɗѳ รѳɱɛtɦiɳg 😂😂😂😂😂 *
What did you dream about last night

*and noow she walk off going to a bar with a certain carrot annd Blue might get overprotective or scare the life outta her at one point won't he 😂😂😂 @MettaShy *

⚡ ɦɛɦ... i kɳɛw it... ⚡
* ɦɛ ʝuรt รɳɑp ɦiร Բiɳgɛʀร ɑɳɗ ɗɛรɑppɛɑʀ ɓɛԲѳʀɛ ʀipiɳg ɑɳɗ ʆɛɑѵiɳg ɦiร ѳwɳ รcɑʀԲ ѳɳ tɦɛ Բʆѳѳʀ ѳɦ ɳuɦ! 😂😂😂😂 *


Language: English