
⚡》Underswap!Sans [Berry]《⚡

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⚡ uɳtiʆ i wɑร ʆɛɑʀɳiɳg ɑɓѳut ɱy ʆiԲɛ รtyʆɛ, ɦɛɦ... ɑɳɗ i ʆѳѵɛ it! ⚡
* รɑɳร รɱiʆɛ ɑɳɗ ɦugɛɗ ɑ pic, รɛɛɱร ɑɳɗ ɓɛʀʀy gɛt Բiɳɑʆʆy Բʀɛɛ ѳԲ ɱɑɗɳɛรร *
You havent lived until

Chica: -acaricia la mano de su esposo- no sería mejor que volvieran a la pizzería? Ya se está haciando tarde y Matt no tardará en hacer berrinche por eso~// Miki: -seguía sosteniendose con algo de fuerza de su pareja mientras no paraba de g*mir por los movimientos de aquel esqueleto- Sans t-te amo..

Kawaiilovers42’s Profile Photo♥ ParkJimin♥
Բѳxy: ɓuɛɳѳ, รi quiɛʀɛร ɱi ɑɱѳʀ pɛʀѳ ɱɑñɑɳɑ ѵɛɳɗʀɛɱѳร tɛɱpʀɑɳѳ pѳʀ ti ~ * ɓɛรɑɳɗѳ รu ɱɛʝiʆʆɑ ɑɱѳʀѳรɑɱɛɳtɛ ɑcɑʀiciɑ ʆɑ ѳtʀɑ ɗɛʆicɑɗɑɱɛɳtɛ *
ɱɑtt: รi ɱɑɱi! ѵɛɳɗʀɛɱѳร pʀѳɳtѳ y ʝugɑʀɛɱѳร ! * ɛรtɑɓɑ ɑɓʀɑzɑɳɗѳ uɳѳ ɗɛ ʆѳร ɓʀɑzѳร ɗɛ รu ɱɑɗʀɛ *
🌀 ɳ-ɳgɦ!~ y yѳ ɑ ti, ɱiki!~ ❤🌀
* รiɳ pɑʀɑʀ ɳi uɳ รɛguɳɗѳ, ɑʆ pѳcѳ tiɛɱpѳ รɛ ɦɑɓiɑ c*ʀʀiɗѳ Բuɛʀtɛɱɛɳtɛ ɗɛɳtʀѳ ɗɛ ɛʆʆɑ, ɱiɛɳtʀɑร รѳʆtɑɓɑ uɳ gʀuñiɗѳ ɗɛ pʆɑcɛʀ y ʆɑ ɑɓʀɑzɑɓɑ Բiʀɱɛ ɑ รu cuɛʀpѳ *
Liked by: ♥ ParkJimin♥

*Night pant hard then start to ** as a liquid drip 7w7* *nooow borh the Errors get relaxed, lay on the pillow cutely hugging it after they made it fall to the floor aww 😂😂😂* Swap: B-Bro?... don't worry I'd never leave ya..*he hug him close and pet his skull but noow a poor Tale Sans whimper a bit

* ɗʀɛɑɱ gɛt ɱѳʀɛ ɑɳɗ ɱѳʀɛ ʀuɗɛ tɦɛɳ ɦɛ Բiɳiรɦɛɗ ѳԲԲ iɳรiɗɛ ɦiร ɓig ɓʀѳ ɳigɦ 7ww7 *
🌟 yѳu'ʀɛ รѳ tigɦt ~ 🌟
* iɳk รɱiʆɛ ɑɳɗ ʆɑy ѳɳ tѳp ѳԲ tɦɛɱ ɑwwwww 😂😂😂😂😂 *
* ɓɛʀʀy cuɗɗʆɛ ɑɳɗ ɳѳɱ ɦiร Բɑcɛ, Բɛɛʆiɳg ɓɛttɛʀ ɑwwwww 😂😂😂 *
⚡ pɑpy ʆѳѵɛ yɑ! ⚡

* He started to slam deeply into Blue, moaning loudly. ^Th-This feels way better...!~^

* ɓʆuɛ gɛt ɱѳʀɛ ɑɳɗ ɱѳʀɛ ɓʆuรɦɛɗ, ɱѳѵiɳg ɑʀѳuɳɗ witɦ ɦiɱ ɑɳɗ p*ɳtiɳg ɑ ɓit ɦɑʀɗ Բѳʀ it, ɦɛ'ร tѳtɑʆʆy ɛɳʝѳyiɳg it *

N:lets do so~

ɱuʀɗɛʀɛʀ: * tɑkɛ ɦɛʀ tѳ ɑ ʀѳѳɱ ɑɳɗ cʆѳรɛ tɦɛ ɗѳѳʀ *
* รkip
* cѳɳtiɳuɛ

got woke up by him, the noises ohh nuu poor Error 😂😂😂* Swap: b-bro!?!? *he take Berry quick and shake him a bit to wake him up, hug him close now on panic aww 😂😂*

* ɓɛʀʀy รʆѳwʆy wѳkɛ up ɑɳɗ ɦugɛɗ pɑp tigɦt, รɛɛɱร ɑɳɗ ɦɛ ɦɑѵɛ ɑ ɓɑɗ ɗʀɛɑɱ ɑwwww 😂😂😂😂😂 *
♨ p-pɑpyʀuร i... ɳɛѵɛʀ ʆɛɑѵɛ ɱɛ! ♨

M-Mweh D-DREAM~ *Night drool a bit, slight tongue seen for a moment theen some minutes after that loud Nightmare noises were heard coming from da room 😂😂😂😂* *ANNND NOW DUE TO THAT, A CRAZY OUTERERROR THROWING ROCKET LAUNCHERS A MAD ERROR GET OFF THE COUCH, STORM OVER SLAPPING OUTER ERR after he

* ɗʀɛɑɱ tɑkɛ ɳigɦtɱɑʀɛ witɦ ʆuʝuʀy, ɓɛiɳg ɱѳʀɛ ɑɳɗ ɱѳʀɛ ɦɑʀɗɛʀ 7ww7 yuɱ! *
* iɳk tɑkɛ ɓѳtɦ ɛʀʀѳʀ'ร ɑɳɗ รtɑʀt รʆɑpiɳg witɦ ɑ ԲʆuԲԲy piʆʆѳw ɓѳtʝ ѳԲ tɦɛɱ 😂😂😂😂 *

N:myself like my body my chest and pussy

ɱuʀɗɛʀ: * tɑkɛ ɦɛʀ ɓy tɦɛ ɦipร ɑɳɗ รɱiʆɛ ɑ ɓit wɛiʀɗ * tɦɛɳ, ʆɛt'ร pʆɑy ɗiʀty ~

*annd a random Swap teleport over to da crazy Berry well..Cherry now then just casually lick his face 😂😂😂😂😂* *nooow a random Nightmare in a dress appeared looking like the profile pic looking annoyed theeeen he get blushed once seeing someone enter the room ohh nuu welp rip Cross from a ''nose''ble

* ɗʀɛɑɱ tɑkɛ ɦiร ɓʀѳ ɑɳɗ ʀ*pɛ ɦiɱ ɱɛɑɳwɦiʆɛ ɓɛʀʀy Բɑiɳt 😂😂😂😂

* Napstaton blushed a lot, then pulled out. ^Y-You're all mine~^ * He slammed into Blue's p*ssy. ewewewe

🌀 ɱ-ɱwɛɦɦ!!!~ ❤❤🌀
* gɑรp ɑɳɗ cѳѵɛʀ ɦiร ɱѳutɦ, ɦugɛɗ ɦiร ɦipร ɑɳɗ รtɑʀt ɱ*ɑɳiɳg ʀɛɑʆʆy ʆѳuɗʆy Բѳʀ ɦiɱ ɛwɛwɛwɛ *

N:hey whats wrong sexy

ɱuʀɗɛʀ: ɛxcuรɛ ɱɛ...? * ɓʆuรɦɛɗ, ɦɛ'ร ɑ ɓit tรuɳɗɛʀɛ ѳʀ ɑ ɓit *รรɦѳʆɛ รѳɱɛtiɱɛร *

Fell Rody: n-no entiendo, y-yo que te hise?!?! *empieza a retroceder de miedo,el original era abusica con ella por razón de no haber nacido gata como Cindy,sip pobre*

★ Rody the Hedgehog [Gone]
cɦɑʀɑ; ɦɛɦ... ʆɑʀgѳ... * ɗicɦѳ ɛรtѳ ʆɑ iɱɑgɛɳ ɛɱpɛzó ɑ ɗɛʀʀɛtiʀรɛ,pɑʀɛcɛ y ɛรtɑ cɦɑʀɑ รuԲʀiɑ ɓɑรtɑɳtɛ *

N:*does the finger motion to come here at murder

ɱuʀɗɛʀ: * gɛt cʆѳรɛʀ ɑɳɗ ʆѳѳkร รɛʀiѳuร * wɦɑt


Language: English