
⚡》Underswap!Sans [Berry]《⚡

Ask @BerrySans

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If you had an opportunity to change your name, would you use it? If yes, what would be the name?

💠 ɦɛɦɛɦɛ, ɳѳpɛ... i'ɱ ɛgg-cɛʆɛɳt witɦ ɱy ɳɑɱɛ ʆikɛ it iร, ɓɛttɛʀ ɑɳɗ i pʀɛԲɛʀ tѳ ɦɑѵɛ ɑ ɱѳuɳtɑiɳ ɱɑɗɛ ѳԲ kɛtcɦup 💠
* รɱiʆɛ ɑɳɗ ɗʀѳѳʆร, 😂😂😂 *

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* He still held his moans in, wanting to challenge him more, as he grinned at Blue. ^I–Is that it, Blue?~^

🌀 ɦɛɦɛɦɛ ~ ɳѳt yɛt ~ ❤ 🌀
* ɑ ʆѳt ѳԲ tɛɳtɑcʆɛร gɛt iɳรiɗɛ ѳԲ ɳɑpรtɑtѳɳ, ɓɛʀʀy ɑɳɗ ɦiร "รʆɑɱy Բʀiɛɳɗร" รtɑʀt tɦʀuรtiɳg witɦѳut ɱɛʀcy ɳɑpรtɑtѳɳ, ɱɛɑɳwɦiʆɛ ɦɛ ɓitɛ ɑɳɗ ร*ck tɦɛ ɓʆѳѳɗ Բʀѳɱ ɦiร ɳɛck *

M-MWEH Paps!?!? I...I'm so sorry don't leave again please!!!! *Error hug him tight and lose hope from the slap, start tearing up aww 😂😂😂*

* ɛʀʀѳʀ pɑp tɑckʆɛ ɦugɛɗ ɦiร ɓʀѳtɦɛʀ ɑɳɗ รtɑʀt kiรรiɳg ɦiɱ, ѳɦ wѳw iɳk gѳɳɳɑ ɓɛ ʀɛɑʆʆy ɱɑɗ ɑɳɗ ʝɛʆʆy 😂😂😂 "

Chica: -da una ligera risa ante los ronrineos de sus pequeños- son parte gatos o que mis amores~ // miki: -besa sus labios tratando de evitar aquellos sonidos de sj boca-

Kawaiilovers42’s Profile Photo♥ ParkJimin♥
???: ɛiԲkwkԲiรiԲ :3 * ɓɑɓɛɑɓɑ ʆɑ ɱɑɳѳ ɗɛ รu ɱɑɗʀɛ ɑʆɛgʀɛɱɛɳtɛ *
??? y ???? : ѳɛgkiwkԲiwԲkɛiig! * ɓuรcɑɓɑɳ ɛʆ pɛcɦѳ ɗɛ ʆɑ ɱiรɱɑ cѳɳ ɑɳรiɑร *
* รɑɳร cѳʀʀɛรpѳɳɗɛ ɑ ʆѳร ɓɛรѳร ɱiɛɳtʀɑร ɱɑɳtɛɳiɑ ɛʆ ʀitɱѳ ɗɛ ʆɑร ɛɱɓɛรtiɗɑร cѳɳรtɑɳtɛร *
Liked by: ♥ ParkJimin♥

*annnd now Ink try to escape from Classic hissing, sockets get red ohh nuu 😂😂😂* R-RURU DO SOMETHING PLEASE!!!

* ʀuʀu tɑkɛ ɦiร iɳky puɗɗʆɛ ѳԲ ʆѳѵɛ ɑɳɗ ɓ*tcɦ รʆɑp cʆɑรรic 😂😂😂*
Liked by: SoullessAUMaker

* He held in his moans, but was breathing heavil, as he smirked at him. He wanted to play around with Blue. ^B–But you're not strong enough to make me moan~ I know you can do harder~^

🌀 uɦɱ? yѳu'ʀɛ tʀyiɳg tѳ cɦɑʆʆɛɳgɛ ɱɛ?~ ❤🌀
* รɱiʆɛ pɛʀѵɛʀt ɑɳɗ รtɑʀt tɦʀuรtiɳg witɦѳut ɱɛʀcy, ʀɑiรiɳg ѳɳɛ ѳԲ ɦiร ʆɛgร ɑɳɗ ɓitiɳg ʀɛɑʆʆy ɦɑʀɗ ɦiร ɳɛck *

.... *He get relaxed, tears stop, he start to make cute glitchy noises aww 😂😂😂* *Now a crazy Ink run by with his sockets red, he start throwing rocket launchers around ohh nuu poor Papys some of their Sanses are on nuts 😂😂😂😂*

* tɦɛ pɑp'ร รɱɑck tɦɛɱ ѳԲԲ ɑɳɗ put tɦɛɱ รʆɛɛpiɳg 😂😂😂 *

^Ngh!~^ * He grunted a bit, grinning at Blue. ^O–Oh, yes~^

* ɓʆuɛ รtɑʀt รɱɑkiɳg ɦiɱ ѳԲԲ, ɱɛɑɳwɦiʆɛ ɦɛ kɛɛp tɦʀuรtiɳg ɑɳɗ ɓitiɳg ɦiร รɦѳuʆɗɛʀ ɦɑʀɗʆy *
🌀 yѳu'ʀɛ ɱiɳɛ!!! ɳѳɓѳɗy cɑɳ ɦɑѵɛ yѳu ʆikɛ tɦiร ɛxcɛpt ɱɛ!!! ~ ❤🌀

*ANND NOW SWAP BLAST FRISK AND RESET, Error get shoved away and start making distressed skele noises tearing up more 😂😂😂* I just wish you'd care bout me again... but that'll never happen w..Will it... *He get his things, teleport out the house and run away like a glitchy diva ohh nuu 😂😂😂*

* ɓɛʀʀy Բɑʆʆ ѳɳ ɦiร Բɑcɛ, ɦɛ'ร Բɑiɳtɛɗ 😂😂😂 *
* ɛʀʀѳʀ pɑp tɑkɛ ɦiɱ ɑɳɗ ɦugɛɗ tigʝt ɦiร ɓʀѳ, ɦɛ'ร ɳѳw cʀyiɳg 😂😂😂 *
❌ ŇØ....РŁ€ΔŞ€ ŞΔŇŞ... ĐØŇ'Ŧ Ł€ΔV€ Μ€... Ξ ŁØV€ ¥ØỮ!!!! ĆΔŇ'Ŧ ¥ØỮ Ş€€ ΞŦ!!?? ❌

Chica: -acaricia las orejitas de sus pequeños dando una gran somrisita- van a ser unos niños estupemdos..~ // Miki: -da pequeños besos en sus lanios cerramdo ligermente sus ojos con la respiracion agitada a mas no poder-

Kawaiilovers42’s Profile Photo♥ ParkJimin♥
* ʆѳร pɛquɛñѳร ʀѳɳʀѳɳɛɑɳ (😂) y รɛ ɑcuʀʀucɑɳ ɱɑร ɑ รu ɱɑɗʀɛ, ɱɑɗ quɛ Բɛʆicɛร *
* รɑɳร รɛ ɱѳѵiɑ cɑรi ɓʀutɑʆ, รiɳtiɛɳɗѳ ʆɑ ɗɛʆiciѳรɑ ɦuɱɛɗɑɗ ɗɛ รu ɑɱɑɗɑ *
Liked by: ♥ ParkJimin♥

Swap: d..Don't leave me again... Please.. *he hug him close and start to relax but he start to glitch from contact with the strings ohh nuu 😂😂😂* *Error just watch and make a cute but sinister grin 😂😂*

* ɛʀʀѳʀ pɑp ɓ*tcɦ รʆɑp ɛʀʀѳʀ ɑɳɗ tɑkɛ ɦiɱ ɑwɑy 😂😂😂😂 *
* ɓɛʀʀy ɳѳticɛ ɑɳɗ Բix ɦiร ɓʀѳ, รɦѳѵɛ ɦiɱ รѳԲtʆy ɑɳɗ รtɑʀt gʆitcɦiɳg , ѳɦ ɳuʝ 😂😂😂 *

B..BERRY!? N-nuuuu don't die on me ease just wanted to see ya again!!! *He shake Berry, shove healing items in his mouth and start to panic* *now he hide his face, start crying a bit getting tears on Berry's shirt 😂😂*

* ɓɛʀʀy gɛt up ɑɳɗ ɦugɛɗ ɦiร ɓʀѳ tigɦt, tʀy tѳ ʀɛʆɑx ɦiɱ ɑɳɗ ɳѳɱ ɦiร Բɑcɛ pʆɑyԲuʆʆy 😂😂😂😂 ɑwwww *
💠pɑp! ɳѳ pʆz ɗѳɳ't cʀy! 💠

Chica: todavia no le hemos dicho sus nombres~...a ver que nombres les pondremos~// Miki: -intentaba mpverrse con el dando g*mid*s mas altos por cads movimiento que daba- m-mmmh...s-sans...

Kawaiilovers42’s Profile Photo♥ ParkJimin♥
* ʆѳร pɛquɛñѳร ɱѳʀɗiรquɛɑɳ Բɛʆicɛร ʆɑ ɱɑɳѳ ɗɛ รu ɱɑɗʀɛ, ɱiɛɳtʀɑร ʀɛiɑɳ ʝuguɛtѳɳɑɱɛɳtɛ "
* รɑɳร ɗɑɓɑ tѳɗѳ ɗɛ รi ɱiรɱѳ, ɑɦѳʀɑ รѳรtɛɳiɛɳɗѳ ʆɑร piɛʀɳɑร ɗɛ ɱikѳ y ɦiɛɳɗѳ ɑuɳ ɱɑร ɦѳɳɗѳ ɗɛɳtʀѳ ɗɛ ɛʆʆɑ *
🌀 ɳgɦ!~ ɱ-ɱiki ~ ❤🌀
Liked by: ♥ ParkJimin♥

^Still have enough energy?~^ * He then wrapped his arms around Blue's neck. ^Well, sure thing, Blue~^

* ɓʆuɛ รɱiʆɛ ɑɳɗ tɦʀuรt ɦiɱ iɳɱɛɗiɑtɛʆʆy, pɑɳtiɳg ɑɳɗ ɗʀѳѳʆiɳg *
🌀 ɦɛɦ, ɱy ʆѳѵɛ ~ ❤❤🌀
* รtɑʀt ɱѳѵiɳg ɦɑʀɗʆy *

^Awww~^ * He slowly made a seductive pose. ^What's wrong, Blue?~^

* ɓʆuɛ gʆup ɦiร ѳwɳ รɑʆiѵɑ ɑɳɗ gɛt cʆѳรɛ tѳ ɦiɱ *
🌀 cɑɳ i... ɱɑkɛ yѳu ɱiɳɛ ɑgɑiɳ?~ ❤🌀
* รtɑʀt ʀuɓiɳg ɦiร ɓѳɳɛ ѳɳ ɦiร *รร ɛwɛ *


Language: English