
⚡》Underswap!Sans [Berry]《⚡

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((Dats good your alright, I'm just watching some mmd's yourself?))

(( tɦɑɳkร! i'ɱ ɱɑkiɳg ɑ รɑɳɗwicɦ ɑɳԲ wʀitiɳg ѳɳ wɑttpɑɗ, wɦɑt kiɳɗ ѳԲ ɱɱɗ'ร yѳu'ʀɛ wɑtcɦiɳg? ))

If an evil person has love, will he become kind?

⚡ ɦɛɦɛ, ѳԲ cѳuʀรɛ! ʆѳѵɛ cɦɑɳgɛ pɛʀรѳɳร ɑʆʆ ɗɑy ~ ʆɛt ɱɛ tɛʆʆ yѳu ɑ ʆittʆɛ ɛxɑɱpʆɛ, Բɛʆʆ pɑpyʀuร iร ʀuɗɛ ɑɳɗ ɓɑɗ, ɓut ɦɛ cɑɳ cɦɑɳgɛ Բѳʀ ʆѳѵɛ , ɦѳw i kɳѳw? i'ʆʆ giѵɛ yѳu ɑ ʆittʆɛ cʆuɛ, ɦɛ cɦɑɳgɛ Բѳʀ tɦɛ ʆѳѵɛ ѳԲ ɑ รɑɳร ɑɳɗ ɑ ɱɛttɑ, ɑɳɗ yɛร, ɦɛ'ร ɑ cɦɛɑtɛʀ ɓut ɱɛɦ, tɦɑt'ร uɳɗɛʀԲɛʆʆ, Բѳʀ tɦɑt... iԲ รѳɱɛѳɳɛ ʀɛɑʆʆy ʆѳѵɛร ɑ pɛʀรѳɳ/ɱѳɳรtɛʀ/ɑɳiɱɑʆ/ɛtc, ɦɛ/รɦɛ wiʆʆ cɦɑɳgɛ Բѳʀ ɦiɱ, ɦɛ/รɦɛ wiʆʆ cɦɑɳgɛ Բѳʀ ʆѳѵɛ ɑɳɗ ɓʀiɳg tʀuรt tѳ ɦiร cѳupʆɛ ѳʀ ʆѳѵɛʀ ~
ɑɳѳtɦɛʀ quɛรtiѳɳ ѳʀ ɑɳy ɗѳuɓ? ⚡

*ANND NOW SWAP BLAST THE MEDIC WITHOUT MERCY, TAKE HIS BRO hugging him close, wipe his tears relaxing him awww 😂😂😂😂😂* *Now Error start to get killed but theeen a random Sans storms in slapping Error hard across the face now he start crying too poor Swap 😂😂😂*

* ɓɛʀʀy รtɑʀt cʀyiɳg ɱѳʀɛ ɑɳɗ cuɗɗʆɛ ѳɳ tɦɛ ɑʀɱร ѳԲ ɦiร ɓʀѳ, รɛɛ tɦɑt ɑɳɗ รʆɑp tɦɛ ʀɛรpѳɳรiɓʆɛ, tɑkɛ ɛʀʀѳʀ ɑɳɗ ɦiร ɓʀѳ ɑɳɗ gɛt ʀɛɑʆʆy ɱɑɗ, ѳɦ ɳuuuɦ 😂😂😂😂😂 "

Do you think all creatures in the Universe needs to find their true love?

⚡ pԲԲ ѳԲ cѳuʀรɛ! ɛѵɛʀy cʀɛɑtuʀɛ ɳɛɛɗ tɦɛiʀ tʀuɛ ʆѳѵɛ, tɦɛiʀ cѳupʆɛ ɑɳɗ tɦɛiʀ Բutuʀɛ Բɑɱiʆy!~
it'ร cʆѳรɛɛɛɛɛɛ tѳ ɓɛ ɑ ʀɛquiʀɛɱɛɳt Բѳʀ ɓɛ ɦɑppy, ɓut รѳɱɛtiɱɛร tɦɛy ɳɛɛɗ tѳ cɦѳѳรɛ cѳʀʀɛctʆy, ɓɛcɑuรɛ ɑ ʆѳt ѳԲ tʀѳuɓʆɛร cɑɳ ɓɛ ɗѳɳɛ ɑɳɗ ɱѳʀɛ ... ɓut, ɦɛy! ɓɛiɳg iɳ ʆѳѵɛ it'ร ɑ รѳԲtʆy ɑɳɗ ɳicɛ Բɛɛʆiɳg, ɛѵɛɳ i'ɱ รtiʆʆ Բɛɛʆiɳg tickʆɛร ѳɳ ɱy cɦɛรt ɑɳɗ ɑ ɓig ɓʆuรɦ ѳɳ ɱy Բɑcɛ... ~ ⚡
* รigɦɛɗ iɳ ʆѳѵɛ ɑɳɗ ɓʆuรɦ รѳԲtʆy*
⚡ ɑɳy ѳtɦɛʀ quɛรtiѳɳ ? ⚡

What do you think about love?

⚡ ʆѳѵɛ? wɛʆʆ, tɓɦ , ʆѳѵɛ it'ร ɑ รtʀѳɳg Բɛɛʆ tѳ ɑɳѳtɦɛʀ pɛʀรѳɳ, ɑ gѳѳɗ ѳɳɛ ɑɳɗ ɑ รick ѳɳɛ tѳѳ, ɱɑyɓɛ iԲ yѳu giѵɛ tѳ ɱɛ ɑ cʆuɛ ɑɓѳut ɑ รpɛciԲic typɛ ѳԲ ʆѳѵɛ, i cɑɳ giѵɛ yɑ ɑ cѳʀʀɛct ɑɳรwɛʀ ~ ⚡

Andy:* S-Solo de donde v-vendra eso...? *bajando con cuidado de asoma deste aquel otro lado del pasillo que llevaba a la cocina ya que ahi era la unica mesa,sin esperar que lo vea o mejor dicho reconosca* p-pero que...¿q-que hace esa persona e-en la c-casa?

★ Rody the Hedgehog [Gone]
ɑʆicɛ: * รѳɳʀiɛɳɗѳ รuɑѵɛɱɛɳtɛ ɳѳ รɛ pɛʀcɑtɑ ɗɛ ʆɑ pʀɛรɛɳciɑ ɗɛ ɛรtɛ, pѳʀ ʆѳ cuɑʆ รѳʆѳ รiguɛ รuร cѳรɑร ɑɓรѳʆutɑɱɛɳtɛ ɛɳ cɑʆɱɑ *

((Nice, I like starbotdubs, kubscouts, lostpause and a few others))

(( cѳѳʆ! ɳѳw i'ɱ ʆitɛʀɑʆy gѳɳɳɑ รʆɛɛp 3 ɦѳuʀร ɑɳɗ ʆɑtɛʀ i'ɱ gѳɳɳɑ gѳ tѳ รcɦѳѳʆ ;7; ))

*Raichu stares at Betty still*

* ɓɛtty ʆѳѳkร cѳɳԲuรɛɗ ɑɳɗ ɑ ɓit uɳcѳɳԲѳʀtɑɓʆɛ *

Do you agree with the saying that a problem shared is a problem halved?

⚡ ɗuɳɳѳ, tɦɑt ɗɛpɛɳɗร iԲ tɦɛ pʀѳɓʆɛɱ iร ɓiggɛʀ ѳʀ ɳѳt, ɱɑyɓɛ cɑɳ ɓɛ ѳԲ tɦɛ twѳ pɛʀรѳɳร ɓut ɱɑyɓɛ tɦɑt ɱɑy ɑԲɛct ɑɳѳtɦɛʀ pɛѳpʆɛ... ⚡
Do you agree with the saying that a problem shared is a problem halved


Language: English