
⚡》Underswap!Sans [Berry]《⚡

Ask @BerrySans

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Swap: s..still I'M NOT LEAVING YA!!! *he runs over to Berry, hugs him hard worried 😂😂😂* d..doesn't matter w..what will h..happen to me

TheBrokenSkeleton(and AUs)
❎ P-PÁÁÁÁÁÁ PÁPŶ Ńo-Ńoooo!!! ❎

Swap: !?!? ERROR THAT'S IT *pulls a chainsaw out and chase him ohh no 😂😂😂😂 * Error: I DIDN'T CAUSE THIS THOUGH!!! well maybe kinda did but hey I'm not the only one who had to end up here now!!!

TheBrokenSkeleton(and AUs)

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// Claro :v ya, Miki y Sans se habia vuelto muy buenos amigos conj el tiempo, a Sans le compezo a gustar Miki y pues sucede todo lo estas diciendo xDDD ella se asusto de el al tal punto que ni queria que le pusiera un dedo encima

Kawaiilovers42’s Profile Photo♥ ParkJimin♥
(( ѳkɛy! ¿ɛɱpɛzɑɱѳร? >:3
Liked by: ♥ ParkJimin♥

!?!? *annd he lay on arms starting to relax 😂😂😂😂😂* Swap: !?!? THAT'S IT I'M GONNA MAKE THAT GLITCHED OUT SANS DUST!!! *Swap nuuu Ink is gonna dunk you 😂😂😂😂*

* ɓiรɦ รʆɑp รwɑp ɦɑʀɗ ɑɳɗ tɦʀѳw ɦiɱ tѳ ɛʀʀѳʀ ɑɳɗ ɓɛʀʀy 😂😂😂😂😂 *
⚡ cɑʆɱ ɗѳ-!! ⚡
* gɛt cʀuรɦɛɗ ɓy รwɑp, ɦѳw Բuɳɳy! 😂😂 *

// y que claro que Foxy piense que ban a tener solo un bebe pero cuando nazen que sean gemelos xDDD y pos a Miki y a Sans pongamosle algo trajico xDDd

Kawaiilovers42’s Profile Photo♥ ParkJimin♥
(( ʆѳ ɗɛ ʆѳร gɛɱɛʆѳร ɱɛ guรtɑ >:3 y ʆѳ ɗɛ ɱiki y ɓɛʀʀy รuɛɳɑ gɛɳiɑʆ! quɛ tɛ pɑʀɛcɛ... ¿ɗiรɓɛʆiɛԲ ɓɛʀʀy? >:3 quɛ รɛ ѵuɛʆѵɑ ɗiรɓɛʆiɛԲ y ʆɑ ɛรpɑɳtɛ ))
Liked by: ♥ ParkJimin♥

ohh no you don't...YoU...aReN't LeAvInG mE aGaIn...NoT bEiNg AlOnE... aGaIn... *he pull Berry back to him with strings twitching ohhh no yandere error mode on 😂😂😂😂*

⚡ ɛʀʀѳʀ ɳѳѳѳѳѳѳuɦ!~ ⚡
* tʀy tѳ gɛt ѳԲԲ tɦɛɳ รigɦɛɗ ɑɳɗ cuʀʆ ɦiɱ ѳɳ ɑʀɱร 😂😂😂😂😂😂 *
⚡ yѳu kɳѳw wɦɑt? ɱɑyɓɛ i'ɱ gѳɳɳɑ รtɑy ɑ ʆittʆɛ ɱѳʀɛ... ⚡

*annnnd now Swap is on nuts destroying Snowdin looking for his bro, make angry skele noises ohh no Ink do something!!! 😂😂😂😂* .... *annd then Error just grins pulling out a paintbrush he may of took from a certain supply closet, blocks off his void so Berry stays with him 😂😂😂😂*

* iɳk tɑkɛ รwɑp ɑɳɗ tʀy tѳ gɛt ѳɳtѳ tɦɛ ѵѳiɗ, ɓut ɦɛ gɛt รɱɑckɛɗ Բѳʀ ɑ puɳcɦ ѳԲ รwɑp 😂😂😂😂😂😂 *
⚓ p-pɑpyʀuร yѳuʀ ɓʀѳtɦɛʀ iร ѳɳ tɦɛ ѵѳiɗ! ⚓
⚡ ɛɦ?! ⚡
* รuʀpʀiรɛɗ tʀy tѳ gɛt ѳut 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 *

*😂😂😂 Error: Death reaps da souls but I reap Sanses, look for which ones to make into errors!!! 😂😂😂😂 * I-I'm fine Blue d-dooon't worry!!! *glitched a bit more making a slightly crazy smile for a moment then quickly went normal Swap is gonna be maaaad 😂😂*

* ѳɦ gѳѳɗ 😂😂😂😂😂😂 x1000 *
* ɓɛʀʀy tɑkɛ รѳɱɛ tɑcѳร ɑɳɗ ʆѳѳk ɑ ɓit ɛʀʀѳʀ, รɱɛʆʆร ʆikɛ ɑ gʆitcɦy ɓutt kickɛɗ 😂😂😂 *

!Conectate Más¡

⚡ ɗɛ ɦɛcɦѳ ɛรtɑʀɛɱѳร ɱɑร ɑctiѵѳร uรรɛʀ y yѳ, รɛɱɑɳɑ ɗɛ ɛxɑɱɛɳɛร, ɱɛɦ... ⚡
* รɛɳtɑɗѳ ɛɳ ʆɑ cɑɱɑ tɛɳiɑ uɳɑ cɑɗɛɳɑ ɛɳ ɱɑɳѳร , ¿quɛ ɛรtɑɓɑ pɛɳรɑɳɗѳ ɦɑcɛʀ? *
Conectate Más
Liked by: ♥ ParkJimin♥

heheheh of course Blue *then turned around muttering ''finally someone who will understand how BeInG hErE felt... called for Pap... called for anyone BuT nO oNe CaMe...''* *ohhh no Error possibly plans on making Berry an error berry 😂😂😂😂*

* ѳɦ ʝiรuร, ɑ ɛʀʀѳʀ ʀɛɑpɛʀ 😂😂😂😂 cѳѳʆ! *
⚡ uɦ? ɛʀʀѳʀ? ɛѵɛʀytɦiɳg'ร ѳk? ⚡
* pѳkɛ ɦiร รɦѳuʆɗɛʀ cuʀiѳuร, pѳѳʀ ɓɛʀʀy 😂*

Heya , bra , sup? i don't talk to yeh since ...a couple of weeks -_- well , i hope ya're fine ! see yeh !

⚡ gʀɛɛtiɳgร pɑpyʀuร, tɦɑt'ร ɑ ʆѳɳg ɑgѳ รiɳcɛ wɛ ɗiɗɳ't tɑʆk ɛɑcɦ ѳtɦɛʀ, i'ɱ gʆɑɗ ɑɳɗ yѳu'ʀɛ ѳk... ⚡
Heya  bra  sup
i dont talk to yeh since a couple of weeks 
well  i hope yare
Liked by: Horror

¿Preferirías salir a correr con un buen reloj deportivo o con unas buenas deportivas?

⚡ pʀɛԲiɛʀѳ รɑʆiʀ ɑ cѳʀʀɛʀ cѳɳ tu cѳʀɑzѳɳ ~ ⚡
( ɑwwww, ɛรѳ ɛร tiɛʀɳѳ ~ )
⚡ รigɱiԲicɑ y ɳiรiquiɛʀɑ iʀiɑ ɑ cѳʀʀɛʀ 😂⚡
( quɛ cʀuɛʆ ;-; 😂 )
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*a cloud touches you....it gives you an extremely relaxing feeling*

* ɦɛ tѳucɦ it ɑɳɗ tɦɛɳ ɦɛ Բɑʆʆ ɑรʆʆɛp *

*There goes Alvin bring a troublemaker again xD He went on his own little adventure with @EdgeyChemicalRomance as error pulled you in with strings o//.//o *

Alvin and Simon
* ѳɦ wѳw 0!7!0 ɓɛʀʀy tɑkɛ ɑ ɓʀɛɑk ɑɳɗ wɛɳt ѳԲԲ ѳԲ ɦiร รtʀiɳgร, wɑʆkiɳg tѳ tɦɛ Բʀiɗgɛ 😂😂😂 "

@ErRoRSansTheSkeleton has him now I can go home .*runs off yup error told Alvin to kidnap you taking you to bring to him so he just had you willing go to error instead.That tricky con artist Alvin oh god don't kill him xD*

Alvin and Simon
* ɦɛ'ร ɳѳw witɦ ɛʀʀѳʀ, wɛʆp, ɓɛʀʀy gѳɳɳɑ tuʀɳ iɳtѳ ɑ ɛʀʀѳʀ tѳѳ iԲ ɦɛ รtɑy tɦɛʀɛ, ɑʆѵiiiiiiiiɳ! 😂😂😂😂 *
⚡ ɳɑɦ i ɗѳɳ't cɑʀɛ, ɛʀʀѳʀ ɗѳ yѳu wɑɳt รѳɱɛ cɦipร? ⚡


Language: English