
⚡》Underswap!Sans [Berry]《⚡

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*and error gaster is seen ensnaring humans with glowing red strings*

* cʀѳรร wɑร ѳɳ ɦѳuรɛ, tɑkiɳg cɑʀɛ ѳԲ ɦiɱรɛʆԲ ɓɛcɑuรɛ ɦiร pʀɛgɳɑɳcy *
🍭 uɦɱ? 🍭

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ohhhh beryyyy~ *gives you 2 minecarts with candy on them and runs off*

* รtɑʀt ɛɑtiɳg tɦɛ cɑɳɗy, ɦɛ รɱiʆɛ ɑɳɗ ʝuรt รit ѳɳ ɑ ɳѳʀɱɑʆ pʆɑcɛ, ɦɛ ʆѳѵɛร cɑɳɗy ɓut ɗiɗɳ't gɛt cʀɑzy 😂 *
🍭 ɦɱɱɱ ~ tɦɑɳkร ɑɳѳɳ! 🍭

M!A Cross!Swap 1 Week!

* ɓɛʀʀy gɛt ɑ ɓit ɗiԲɛʀɛɳt, ʆѳѳkiɳg ɑʀѳuɳɗ ɑɳɗ รɳɛɛziɳg ɑ ɓit, cѳѵɛʀiɳg ɦiร ɱѳutɦ witɦ รѳɱɛtɦiɳg Բѳʀ ɦiร รɦɑʀp tɛɛtɦ *
🍭 รɳiԲ, i cɑɳ รɱɛʆʆ รwɛɛt ~ 🍭
MA CrossSwap 1 Week

M!A evilberry 1 week!!! >:)

⚡ ɳѳpɛ! tѳ ɱucɦ ɱѳɗɛร Բѳʀ ɱɛ!! ⚡
* gʆɑʀɛร ɑɳɗ tɛʆɛpѳʀt 😂😂😂😂 *
MA evilberry 1 week

—🔫¡Colectiva!🔫 ¡Os quiero conocer un poco más!...¿Cuál es vuestra comida favorita? ¡La mía es la deliciosa hamburguesa! 🍔 ❤️¡SA-LU-DOS! ❤️

⚡✖ ʆѳร tɑcѳร pѳʀ รupuɛรtѳ, ɱɑร ɦɑy uɳ tipѳ ɗɛ cɑʀɳɛ quɛ ɱɛ Բɑรciɳɑ ~ ✖⚡
Colectiva Os quiero conocer un poco másCuál es vuestra comida favorita La mía es
Liked by: Carly

//Vale entonces ewe especificame.sino yo no entiendo soy muy tonta qwq

Mettaton Ex
(( ɳѳ ʆѳ ɛʀɛร quq y cuɑɳɗѳ tɛɳgɑร ɗuɗɑ รѳʆѳ pʀɛguɳtɑɱɛ ))

//como funciona Blueberry ahi abajo xDD una vez me.lo explicaste pero lo olvide qwq

Mettaton Ex
(( ɗɛʝɑ ʆѳ ɛxpʆicѳ tѳɳcɛร 😂
cѳɱѳ รu i*tiɱiɗɑɗ ɛร ɛctѳ, puɛɗɛ Բѳʀɱɑʀ tɑɳtѳ uɳ p*ɳɛ cѳɱѳ uɳɑ ѵuʆѵɑ, ɗɛpɛɳɗiɛɳɗѳ ʆɑ pѳรiciѳɳ quɛ ɦɑyɑ tѳɱɑɗѳ, ɛɳ ɛรtɛ cɑรѳ ɛรtɑ cѳɳ ʆɑ รɛguɳɗɑ ѳpciѳɳ

Anon al habla, si pudieras elegir un tema para tu/s personaje/s o canción que lo/s identifique cual seria? Salutos ヽ(●゚´Д`゚●)ノ゚

(( https://youtu.be/s8goOjFjV_8BerrySans’s Video 140400232785 s8goOjFjV_8BerrySans’s Video 140400232785 s8goOjFjV_8 ))
( ɛรtɛ ɗɛԲiɳitiѵɑɱɛɳtɛ! ɱɛ ɛɳcɑɳtɑ ɛʆ ʀitɱѳ y ɛʆ ɗuɓรtɛp, ɑpɑʀtɛ quɛ ʆɛ quɛɗɑʀiɑ ɓɑรtɑɳtɛ ɓiɛɳ ɗɛ tɛɱɑ ɗɛ ɓɑtɑʆʆɑ ~
ɱɛɱɛ ɗɛ ʆѳร "ʆɑzy" ɗɛ ʀɛʆʆɛɳѳ ~ <3)
Anon al habla si pudieras elegir un tema para tus personajes o canción que los

Kiss the first 10 People that comes up when you put @ ! Also post them on an answer so I make sure you do it and not a chicken !

⚡ i ɑʆʀɛɑɗy ɗiɗ it, ɑɳɗ i tɦiɳk pɑpy gѳɳɳɑ gɛt ʝɛɑʆѳuร iԲ i ɗѳ it ɑgɑiɳ 💧⚡
Kiss the first 10 People that comes up when you put   Also post them on an

Swap: !?!? *made a smile blushing orange, kissed Berry back* *Tale, Fell smiled doing the same* Error: ..*he kissed Berry too, yawned getting in his arms too lazy to log back in for now XDD*

TheBrokenSkeleton(and AUs)
* ɓʆuɛ gɛt tɦɛɱ ѳɳ ɑ ɓɛɗ ɑɳɗ gɛt tɦɛʀɛ, รɳuggʆiɳg ɑɳɗ รɱiʆiɳg ɓiggɛʀ x3333 *

Kiss the first 10 People that comes up when you put @ ! Also post them on an answer so I make sure you do it and not a chicken !

⚡ pԲԲԲ ɑʆʀigɦt, ɓut yѳu'ʀɛ ɳѳt รɑyiɳg wɦɛʀɛ gѳɳɳɑ ɓɛ tɦɛ kiรร uɦ?~ ʆɛt ɱɛ รɛɛ, i'ɱ Բɛɛʆiɳg ʀɛɑʆʆy wɛiʀɗ ɳѳw Բѳʀ ɱy pʀɛgɳɑɳcy, tɦɛɳ ɦɛʀɛ ⚡
* kiรรɛɗ ɑʆʆ ѳԲ tɦɛɱ ѳɳ tɦɛ cɦɛɛkร ɑɳɗ ɳѳรɛ "ɳѳɳɛ ɳѳรɛ" Բѳʀ tɦɛ รkɛʆɛtѳɳร *
⚡ tɦɛʀɛ, i ɦɑѵɛ pʀѳɓʆɛɱร witɦ "@" Բѳʀ tɦɑt i ɗѳ it ѳɳ tɦiร ɑɳรwɛʀ, รѳʀʀy ɗuɗɛ ~ ⚡
Kiss the first 10 People that comes up when you put   Also post them on an


Language: English