
⚡》Underswap!Sans [Berry]《⚡

Ask @BerrySans

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Swap: ...yes Blue a..and sorry about this wasn't expecting this to happen *holds him close hugging him soft awww x333* !?!? SANS!?!? *annnd he weakly hit the ground losing more hp* *for some reason his seemed lower lately, he had a robe and bunny slippers on now 😂😂*

TheBrokenSkeleton(and AUs)
* ɓɛʀʀy รɱiʆɛ รѳԲtʆy ɑɳɗ cuʀʆɛɗ ɱѳʀɛ ѳɳ ɦiร ɛɱɓʀɑcɛ x3333 *
⚡ it'ร ѳk pɑpy...ʝuรt i ɦѳpɛ ɑɳɗ tɦiร ɗѳɛรɳ't ɦuʀt...⚡
* cʆɑรรic giѵɛ tѳ ɦiɱ ɦp ɑɳɗ ɦѳʆɗ ɦiɱ ѳɳ ɑʀɱร *
💠 ɦɛyyyy wɦy yѳu'ʀɛ uรiɳg it? 💠

Kiy: *Looks at you tummy* what is it!

malaisha_aireona’s Profile PhotoBlitz
* tɦɛʀɛ wɑร tɦʀɛɛ ʆittʆɛ รѳuʆร iɳรiɗɛ, ɓɛʀʀy wɑร pʀɛgɳɑɳt Բѳʀ ɑ ɑɳѳɳ *
⚡ i'ɱ รcɑʀɛɗ ⚡

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Kiy: Hello Blue *hugs you*

malaisha_aireona’s Profile PhotoBlitz
* ɦugร ɓɑck ɑɳɗ yѳu cɑɳ ɳѳticɛ ɑ ʆittʆɛ ɓɛʆʆy ѳɳ ɦiɱ *
⚡ ɗɑɗ...i ɦɑѵɛ รѳɱɛtɦiɳg wɛiʀɗ ѳɳ ɱy tuɱɱy 💧⚡

Swap: oh no..i..it's okay my little blueberry...I'll keep a socket out for ya now *hugs back softly, lays on the couch with him being careful x333* *annd meanwhile Pap sneaked off somewhere again skele might be hiding something from Classic 😂😂😂*

TheBrokenSkeleton(and AUs)
* ɑwwww x333 *
⚡ tɦɑɳk yѳu pɑpy ⚡
* cuʀʆ ɑɳɗ pɑt รѳԲt ɦiร ɓɛʆʆy *
⚡ tɦiร iร tɦɛ pʀɛgɳɑɳcy tɦɛɳ...? ⚡
* cʆɑรรic wɑร ɓɛɦiɳɗ ɦiɱ ɑɳɗ tɑckʆɛ ɦiɱ 😂😂😂😂 *
💠 ɓѳѳѳѳ!!!! 💠

Swap: !?!? BRO WWHAT THE HECK YOU'RE PREG!?!? oh no oh no *picks Berry up blushing hard* *mutters ''dammit Pap just had to go do magic to him...''* *oh wow way to go Swap 😂😂😂 *

TheBrokenSkeleton(and AUs)
⚡ p-pɑpy ɓɛ cɑʀɛԲuʆ! 💧⚡
* wɦiɳɛ ɑ ʆittʆɛ ɑɳɗ ɦugɛɗ ɦiɱ รѳԲt, tɦɛʀɛ wɑร ɑ ʆittʆɛ ɓɛʆʆy witɦ tɦʀɛɛ ʆittʆɛ รѳuʆร iɳรiɗɛ 😂😂 pѳѳʀ รwɑp *

¿Hay algo en tu infancia sobre lo que tus padres mintieron y sabías que estaban mintiendo?

* รuรpiʀɑ ɛɳtɛʀɳɛciɗѳ, ɱiɛɳtʀɑร ѵɛiɑ รɛɳtɑɗѳ ɛɳ รu cɑɱɑ uɳɑ pɛquɛñɑ Բѳtѳ ɗɛ รu ɦɛʀɱɑɳѳ cuɑɳɗѳ tɛɳiɑ "ɱɛรɛร" ɗɛ ɳɑciɗѳ *
⚡ ɱucɦɑร cѳรɑร, ɱucɦѳร รɛcʀɛtѳร, ɱucɦɑร ɛxpʆicɑciѳɳɛร , cѳɱѳ pѳʀ ɛʝɛɱpʆѳ ɛʆ pѳʀ qué รɛ iɓɑ tѳɗѳร ʆѳร ɗiɑร ɑʆ ʆɑɓѳʀɑtѳʀiѳ y ɳѳร ɗɛʝɑɓɑ รѳʆѳร ɦɑรtɑ ʆɑ ɳѳcɦɛ, ɑʆguɳɑร ѵɛcɛร ʆʆɛgɑɓɑ tɛɱpʀɑɳѳ pɑpá pɛʀѳ ɛʀɑɳ ɱuy pѳcɑร, ɱɑɱá ʆɑ ʆʆɛgɑɱѳร ɑ cѳɳѳcɛʀ, pɛʀѳ... ʝɑɱɑร ʆɑ ɦɛɱѳร ѵuɛʆtѳ ɑ ѵɛʀ ɗɛรpuɛร ɗɛ "ɑquɛʆ ɑcciɗɛɳtɛ" ...pɛʀѳ ɳѳ iɱpѳʀtɑ, tѳɗѳ ɛรtѳ ɛร gʀɑciɑร ɑ ɛʆʆɑ, y pɑpá ⚡
Hay algo en tu infancia sobre lo que tus padres mintieron y sabías que estaban

// Creo que usted habla español :v // —S-si... U-uhm, l-lamento si te incomoda...—

(( ɦɑɓʆѳ ɗѳร iɗiѳɱɑร ɑɱigɑ :ѵ ))
⚡ ¡pɑʀɑ ɳɑɗɑ! ⚡
* รѳɳʀiɛ รuɑѵɛ y pѳɳɛ uɳɑ ɱɑɳѳ ɛɳ รu ɦѳɱɓʀѳ *
⚡ ѵɛѳ ɛʀɛร ɑʆgѳ tiɱiɗɑ, tʀɑɳquiʆɑ, ɳѳ ɦɑy ɳɑɗɑ pѳʀ ɛʆ quɛ ɑpɛɳɑʀรɛ ѳ ɑʆgѳ ɑรi ⚡

that means your in MY house... where are you from?

⚡ i'ɱ Բʀѳɱ uɳɗɛʀรwɑp! it'ร ɑ ɓit ʀɑʀɛ ɑɳɗ yѳu ɗiɗɳ't ɱɛɛt ɱy ɓʀѳtɦɛʀ ɓɛԲѳʀɛ 💧⚡

... not really i thought i was in MY house... *strokes chin* how did i end up here? i was doing my chores when POOF! im here!

⚡ i ɗѳɳ't kɳѳw, it'ร ʆikɛ wɦy ɱy ɦѳuรɛ it'ร ɑ ɱɑɳรiѳɳ tɦɑɳ ɓɛԲѳʀɛ wɑร ɑ ɳѳʀɱɑʆ ѳɳɛ? ⚡
not really i thought i was in MY house strokes chin how did i end up here i was
Liked by: Blitz Donald Trump

(look up pics, videos, etc! its a stealth horror game!) yes... nice to meet you too..... *looks thoughtful deciding what to do*

( ɑʆʀigɦt ʝuรt giѵɛ ɱɛ รѳɱɛ ɱiɳutɛร, i'ɱ ɛɑtiɳg pѳpcѳʀɳ 😂 )
⚡ cɑɳ i.....ɦɛʆp yѳu ѳɳ รѳɱɛtɦiɳg? yѳu'ɗ รɛɛɱ cѳɳԲuรɛɗ ⚡
* cʆiɱɓ ɦiร รkuʆʆ ʆѳѳkiɳg ɦiɱ *

*twirls moustache* me? i am thomas arkwright! (in the game his name is never revealed so using fake name!)

( i ɗiɗɳ't pʆɑy tɦɑt gɑɱɛ :ѵ )
⚡ ѳɦ! ɳicɛ tѳ ɱɛɛt yѳu ɱiรtɛʀ tɦѳɱɑร ⚡
* รɱiʆɛ ɦɑppy *

*jumps in shock and when he sees you instead of tossing you out he tries to puzzle out what you are*

⚡ ɦɛʆʆѳ ɱiรtɛʀ! i'ɱ tɦɛ ɱɑgɳiԲicɛɳt รɑɳร! Բutuʀɛ ɱɛɱɓɛʀ ѳԲ tɦɛ ʀѳyɑʆ guɑʀɗ! cɑɳ i kɳѳw yѳuʀ ɳɑɱɛ? ⚡

*he watches TV even though its not any language you understand*

* gɛt cʆѳรɛʀ ɑɳɗ pѳkɛ ɦiร รɦѳuʆɗɛʀ *
⚡ ɦɛʆʆѳ? ⚡

*aaand the ever mysterious being, THE NEIGHBOR, is seen through his window donning his gloves*

* ɓɛʀʀy ʆѳѳkร ɑɳɗ รɳɛɛzɛ *


Language: English