
⚡》Underswap!Sans [Berry]《⚡

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*swaps jaw has dropped because fell has never done that before*

* รɳuggʆɛ ɦiร Բɑtɦɛʀ ɑɳɗ ʆѳѳkร up *
🎶 uɦɱ? ɗɑɗɗy? yѳu'ʀɛ ѳk? 🎶

... really fell? UNDERFELL: I REGRET NOTHING!!! *leaps out window XDD*

* yѳѳѳѳѳѳ! 😂😂 *
🎶 uɦ? ɗɑɗ? yѳu'ʀɛ ɦɛʀɛ! 🎶
* ɦugร ɦiɱ รɱiʆiɳg *

*underfell gaster does it XDD*

* ɑɑɑɑɳɗ ɳѳw รɑɳร Բѳʀgɛt ɛѵɛʀytɦiɳg ɛxcɛpt ɦiร ɓʀѳtɦɛʀร ɑɳɗ cɦɑʀɑ 😂😂😂 *

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🎶 cɑɳ yѳu pʆɛɑรɛ, ɛʀɑรɛ ɱy ɱɛɱѳʀiɛร? ɛxcɛpt ɱy pɑpyʀuร ɑɳɗ cɦɑʀɑ, i wɑɳt tѳ ʀɛɱɛɱɓɛʀ tɦɛɱ...🎶
* ʆѳѳkร ɗѳwɳ *

*swap hugs you*

* ɦugร ɓɑck ɑɳɗ รɦɑkɛร ʀɛɑʆʆy ɦɑʀɗ *
🎶 ɗɑɗ...i ɳɛɛɗ ɑ Բɑѵѳʀ ...🎶

*suddenly the taco multiplicates,now the house was flooded with taco xD*

* ɓɛʀʀy wɑร ѳɳ wɑtɛʀԲɑʆʆร รiɳgiɳg ɑ ɓit, pѳѳʀ ɗiรɓɛʆiɛԲ 😂😂😂😂😂 *

*gives it to you*

* ɛɑtร tɦɛ tɑcѳ ɓut ɦiร รѳuʆ ɑɳɗ pupiʆร รtɑy gʀɛy *
🎶 ѳɱ ɳѳɱ ɳѳɱ ɳѳɱ! 🎶

*face palms and takes out a taco* how could I forget that?!

* รɱɛʆʆร tɦɛ tɑcѳ ɑɳɗ gɛt up*
🎶 t-tɑcѳ?! 🎶

*whispers to sans* hot dogs!

* ɦɛ ɱuɱɓʆɛ ɑɳɗ รɳuggʆɛ *
♣ ɦɛ'ร uɳɗɛʀรwɑp, ɦɛ ʆikɛ tɑcѳร 💧♣

Don't worry I know how to wake my son up! *takes out hot dog*

♣ uɦɱ? ♣ * cuʀiѳuร *
* ɓɛʀʀy รtiʆʆ *

Fresh anon: BERRY! TACO! *pushes huge taco downstairs*

* Բɑiɳtɛɗ, ɓut ɦiร ɓѳɗy Բʆip ѳɳ ɑ รkɑtɛɓѳɑʀɗ ɑɳɗ tɑkɛ tɦɛ tɑcѳ ʆikɛ ɑ ɱɑรtɛʀ (?)*

... was it something I said?

♣ ɳѳ, ɦɛ'ร Բɑiɳtɛɗ ɓɛcɑuรɛ ɑ ɦɑʀɗ ɛɱѳtiѳɳ, yѳu'ɗ รɛɛ...ɦiร ɓʀѳtɦɛʀ ♣
* รɦʀugร *

SWAP: hello you two! *underswap gaster the constant vacationer smiles*

* ɓɛʀʀy wɑร Բɑiɳtɛɗ, ɦɛ'ร wɛɑk Բѳʀ ɑ ɦɛɑѵy ɛɱѳtiѳɳ *

*is wondering how this is normal XXD not common in horror tale*

* ɓɛʀʀy wɑร Բɑiɳtɛɗ ɳѳw ѳɳ tɦɛ Բʆѳѳʀ ;; *

Swap: *finished bottle, fell asleep snoring* *annd he was surprisingly light least Berry won't fall off the skateboard on his face 😂😂😂* Here it helps with the bright colors B/ *just keeps a cool expression 😂😂*

TheBrokenSkeleton(and AUs)
* ɓɛʀʀy ɱɑkɛ ɑ Բʆip ɑɳɗ ʆɛɑѵɛ pɑpyʀuร ѳɳ ɑ ɓɛɗ 😂😂😂😂 *
🎶 i'ɱ gѳɳɳɑ pʀɑcticɛ รѳɱɛ รkɑtɛɓѳɑʀɗ, ɓʀѳ~ 🎶
* ɦɛ gɛt Բʆyiɳg ѳɳ tɦɛ รkɑtɛ ѳut 😂*
* ɗiรɓɛʆiɛԲ put ɑ รtickɛʀ ѳɳ ɦiร Բɑcɛ *
♣ tɦɛʀɛ'ร ɑ cѳѳkiɛ ѳɳ yѳuʀ Բɑcɛ ♣
* cɦuckʆɛร 😂😂 *

I....I will talk to him okay....*Smiles* don't worry

malaisha_aireona’s Profile PhotoBlitz
* ɦɛ Բɑiɳtร, ɦiร รѳuʆ wɑร tѳ wɛɑk Բѳʀ ɦɑɳɗʆɛ tɦiร *

*Hugs you and kisses your cheek* please be happy my son what's wrong?

malaisha_aireona’s Profile PhotoBlitz
🎶 i'ɱ ɑ ɓɑɗ ɓʀѳtɦɛʀ, i cɑɳ't wɑtcɦ ɦѳw ɱy ɓʀѳtɦɛʀ รuԲԲɛʀ, ɦɛ wɑɳtร ɱɛ Բѳʀ kiʆʆ ɦiɱ...i cɑɳ't ɗѳ it! i ʝuรt cɑɳ't....🎶
* รtɑʀt cʀyiɳg cѳѵɛʀiɳg ɦiร Բɑcɛ *

Swap: *annnd he puts hands on bottle, started sucking from it* *sockets were closing 😂😂* *Annnd meanwhile Take just hands Disbelief some shades similar to his, had more if a sparkly scarf on now 😂😂😂*

TheBrokenSkeleton(and AUs)
🎶 tɦɛʀɛ'ร ɱy ʆɑzy-cѳʆѳʀԲuʆ-cutɛ cɑʀʀѳt ~🎶
* ɳuzzʆɛ ɑɳɗ gɛt tѳ tɦɛ ʆiѵiɳg ʀѳѳɱ witɦ ɦiɱ ѳɳ ɑʀɱร ѳɳ ɦiร รkɑtɛɓѳɑʀɗ 😂 *
* ɗiรɓɛʆiɛԲ ʆѳѳk tɦɑt ɑɳɗ tɑkɛ tɦɛ รɦɑɗɛร, ʆѳѳkร cuʀiѳuร *


Language: English