
⚡》Underswap!Sans [Berry]《⚡

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*annd the Truffle approach Ink 😂😂😂😂* Truffle: odd...thought I'd at least feel a bit terrible about ruining everything got my vials..but I want to see how this ends...how this little game turns out *darn it Dream where are ya at when people need ya!?!? oh right investigating XTale 😂😂😂*

kiki: รʆԲkรѳɗkรkԲkรkxiร tɦɛ ɱuʆtiѵɛʀรɛ ɑʀɛ ɳѳw witɦ ɑ ɳɛw ɑu, ɑɳt!tɑʆɛ!!! tɦɛʀɛ iร ɑɳt!รɑɳร! * ɦɛ pѳiɳtร tѳ ɑɳ ɑɳt witɦ ɑ ʆittʆɛ ʝɑckɛt 😂😂😂😂😂 ɗʀɛɛɑɑɑɑɱ cɑɱɛ ɦɛʀɛ pʆz!!! *
Liked by: MarieTheHitSquid

*the squid smile and start drooling a bit awww annd meanwhile a emotionless Truffle just watches Ink ohh nuu annd yes Truffle is ma Ink's nickname now 😂😂😂😂*

* ѳkiɗѳky 😂😂 รѳuɳɗร cѳѳʆ! *
* ɓɛʀʀy รɳuggʆɛ ɱɑʀiɛ ɑɳɗ Բɑʆʆ รʆɛɛpiɳg witɦ ɦɛʀ ɑwww 😂😂😂 iɳk ʆѳѳk ɑt tʀuԲԲʆɛ ɑɳɗ ɱɑkɛ ɑ wɛiʀɗ รɱiʆɛ 😂😂😂😂 *
Liked by: MarieTheHitSquid

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*annd the octoling get hit making distress noises while the squid sleep like a baby don't touch his squid 😂😂😂😂😂*

* yɛɑɦ >:3 😂 *
* ɦugร ɦɛʀ ɱѳʀɛ ɑɳɗ ɦiรร, ɑwww tɦɛɛɛɛɳ ɑ cɛʀtɑiɳ kiki wɑร ѳɳ tɦɛ Բʆѳѳʀ ʆѳѳkiɳg Բѳʀ รѳɱɛ ɑɳtร 😂😂😂 iɳk ɗɑԲ*k?! *
Liked by: MarieTheHitSquid

*she close her eyes and start snoring cutely awww buut meanwhile cue a octoling causing destruction outside ohh nuu 😂😂😂😂*

* ɓɛʀʀy tɦʀѳw ɑ ɓѳɳɛ tѳ tɦɛ ѳctѳʆiɳg ɑɳɗ ɦiรร 😂😂😂😂😂 *
Liked by: MarieTheHitSquid

// quisiera ser amigo de Xchara... y de su sans... me caen bien... lamento lo que le hicieron a tu hermano y a ti... en el video... ya sabes... volverlos... abominaciones

SansDragon’s Profile PhotoSouls of Rol
⚡ ɳѳ ɱɛ ɦiciɛʀѳɳ uɳɑ ɑɓѳɱiɳɑciѳɳ, tuѵɛ uɳ pѳcѳ ɗɛ ɗɛtɛʀɱiɳɑciѳɳ pɑʀɑ quitɑʀʆɑ ɗɛ ɱi pɛʀѳ... ɛxtʀɑñѳ ɑ pɑp ⚡
* รuรpiʀɑ y รuร pupiʆɑร ɗɛʝɑɳ ɗɛ รɛʀ ɑzuʆɛร *
⚡ ɑѵɛcɛร uɳѳ รɛ cɑɳรɑ ɗɛ รɛʀ ɓuɛɳѳ... ¿รɑɓɛร? ⚡


BerrySans’s Profile Photo⚡》Underswap!Sans [Berry]《⚡
{{ ʀɛรpѳɳรɛ }}
🌠 ɦѳʆɑ ѳtʀѳ ɦɛʀɱɑɳѳ ! , ¿รɑɳร cʆɑรicѳ, ciɛʀtѳ?🌠
* รɑʆuɗɑ yɑ quitɑɳɗѳ รu ɛɳѳʝѳ uɳ ɱѳɱɛɳtѳ, pɛʀѳ ɗɛʝɑ ɗɛ รѳɳʀɛiʀ ɑʆ ɳѳtɑʀ ʆɑร ʆɑgʀiɱɑร ɗɛʆ ɱɑร ʝѳѵɛɳ ɗɛ tѳɗѳร *
🌠 uɦ, ¿ʆɛ ѳcuʀʀɛ ɑʆgѳ ɑ ɛรɛ รɑɳร? รɛ ѵɛ ɱuy tʀiรtɛ 🌠
* รɛ ɳѳtɑɓɑ pʀɛѳcupɑɗѳ pѳʀ ɛʆ ɱɛɳѳʀ y cѳɳ uɳ pɛquɛñѳ pɑñuɛʆѳ ʆiɱpió ʆɑร ʆɑgʀiɱɑร ɗɛ ɛรtɛ cuiɗɑɗѳรɑɱɛɳtɛ *
🌟 uɦɱ? 🌟
* ѳutɛʀ ɛรtɑɓɑ ɗɛ piɛ y ѵiɛɳɗѳ ʆɑ ɛรcɛɳɑ, ɑuɳ ʀɛcѳɳѳciɑ ɑ ɓʆuɛ pɛʀѳ รɑɓiɑ y ɛʆ pɛquɛñѳ ɳɛcɛรitɑɓɑ ʀɛรpiʀɑʀ *
🌠 ¿pѳʀ quɛ ɳѳ ѵiɛɳɛɳ cѳɳ ɳѳรѳtʀѳร? ɗɛ รɛguʀѳ ɳɛcɛรitɑɳ ɗɛรcɑɳรɑʀ y รu ɑɱigѳ ɳɛcɛรitɑ uɳ pѳcѳ ɗɛ ɗiรtʀɑcciѳɳ 🌠
* ѳutɛʀ tɑɳ รѳʆѳ tѳɱó ʆɑ ɓuԲɑɳɗɑ quɛ tʀɑiɑ ɛɳ ɛʆ cuɛʆʆѳ cѳɳ cɑutɛʆɑ, ʆɛ ɗѳʆiɑ ѵɛʀ ɑรi ɑ รu ɑɱigѳ *

*annd she whimper clinging to Berry starting to tear up really didn't help she almost fell in water she'll dissolve in water on inkling form 😂😂😂*

* wѳw 😂😂😂 *
⚡ wѳwѳwѳw cɑʆɱ ɗѳwɳ ɱɑʀiɛ, ɛѵɛʀytɦiɳg'ร ѳk ɳѳw ⚡
* รɱiʆɛ ɑɳɗ tɑkɛ ɦɛʀ tѳ ɑɳѳtɦɛʀ pʆɑcɛ ɑww 😂 *
Liked by: MarieTheHitSquid

*annd now Berry hear distressed squid noises as mr krabs try to r** her while she's in a box about to fall in a waterfall ohhh wow 😂😂😂*

⚡ ɱɑʀiɛ! ⚡
* รʆɑp ɱʀ kʀɑɓร ɑɳɗ tɑkɛ ɦɛʀ quick 😂😂😂😂 ѳɦ gѳɗ *
Liked by: MarieTheHitSquid

// shi... ¿sabes que no leo emojis al estar yo en pc verdad?

SansDragon’s Profile PhotoSouls of Rol
(( รɛp ʆѳ รɛ 😂😂😂😂😂 ɓuɛɳѳ ɓuɛɳѳ ))
⚡ ɱwɛɦ ɦɛ ɦɛ, cѳɳ quɛ cѳɳѳcɛร ɑ ʆѳร ɗɛ uɳɗɛʀѵɛรɛ? ⚡

// una modificacion del ultimo video capitulo que vi de underverse 0.3 XD estuvo increible y se lo copie a Xchara aunque el original era "tomate-lo"

SansDragon’s Profile PhotoSouls of Rol
(( tɑɱɓiɛɳ ѵɛร uɳɗɛʀѵɛʀรɛ?! ⭐u⭐ ))

Tengo a Chara secuestrada, si la quieres dame !tu alma¡

⚡ pԲԲԲԲ ɦɛɦɛɦɛɦɛɦɛ... ɱɑร tɛ ѵɑʆɛ ʆɑ รuɛʆtɛร รi ɳѳ quiɛʀɛร tɛʀɱiɳɑʀ ɛɳ ʆɑ pʀѳxiɱɑ cɛɳɑ ɗɛ ɛรtɑ ɳѳcɦɛ, ɑɳѳɳ ~ ⚡
Tengo a Chara secuestrada si la quieres dame tu alma

Star: ×starts explaining the story that it was that stone that in the wrong hands could mean the death of the element of fire and allot of people and she lost her friends and her body for it×

* ѳʆɗɛʀ ɳѳɗร ɑɳɗ uɳɗɛʀรtɑɳɗ *
🌀 ѳɦ... tɦɛɳ... 🌀
Liked by: Bro ♥ ParkJimin♥

// cierto... pero ¿nunca haz sentido ese deseo... esa sensacion de que es tu deber cuidarlos a todos y cada uno de tus amigos y tal vez enemigos? yo vivo con eso... y si se que algo malo les ha pasado sinceramente siento como si hubiese fallado

SansDragon’s Profile PhotoSouls of Rol
(( cɦicѳ... tѳɗѳร tɛɳɛɱѳร ɗiรtiɳtɑร Բѳʀɱɑร ɗɛ pɛɳรɑʀ, tu ʆɑร tiɛɳɛร y yѳ iguɑʆɱɛɳtɛ, ʀɛรpɛtѳ tu Բѳʀɱɑ ɗɛ ѵɛʀ ʆɑ ѵiɗɑ pɛʀѳ... pɑʀɑ pѳɗɛt ɑyuɗɑʀ... ɗɛɓɛร ɑyuɗɑʀtɛ ɑ ti pʀiɱɛʀѳ, ɑ cuɑʆquiɛʀɑ quɛ ʆɛ pʀɛguɳtɛร รѳɓʀɛ ɛรѳ ɗɑʀɑ ʀɑzѳɳ ɑ ɛʆʆѳ, ɳѳ puɛɗɛร ɑyuɗɑʀ รiɳ ɦɑɓɛʀtɛ ɑyuɗɑɗѳ ɑ ti ɱiรɱѳ... ))
Liked by: ♥ ParkJimin♥

Cindy: Pronto? Hmmmmmm..... Apuesto que vendrán aquí ahora mismo *pone el cronómetro en 3 segundos....... 3,2..1*

★ Rody the Hedgehog [Gone]
* tѳɗѳร ɦɑɓiɑɳ ɛɳtʀɑɗѳ cѳɳ ɱucɦѳร ɑʀticuʆѳร ɗɛ Բiɛรtɑ y gѳʀʀitѳร gʀɑciѳรѳร, pɛɛɛɛʀѳ ʆɑร ɦɑɓiɑɳ tɑcʆɛɑɗѳ 😂😂😂 *


BerrySans’s Profile Photo⚡》Underswap!Sans [Berry]《⚡
{{ ʀɛรpѳɳรɛ: ѳutɛʀ ɑɳɗ รwɑp }}
* รɑɳร ɛรtɑɓɑ "tѳɱɑɳɗѳ" uɳɑ รiɛรtɑ, pɛʀѳ ciɛʀtɑ ѵѳz cɦiʆʆѳɳɑ ʆѳ รɑcó ɗɛ รu รuɛñѳ *
🌠 ɦɛʀɱɑɳѳ!!! ɗɛʝɑ ɗɛ รɛʀ tɑɳ Բʆѳʝѳ y ɑcѳɱpɑñɑɱɛ ɑ ʆɑ ɛɳtʀɑɗɑ ɗɛ รtɑʀɗiɳ! 🌠
* pɑpyʀuร ʝɑʆɑɓɑ ɑ รu ɦɛʀɱɑɳѳ ɗɛ ʆɑ gѳʀʀɑ ɗɛ ʆɑ cɦɑquɛtɑ, ɱiɛɳtʀɑร ɛรtɛ รɛguiɑ รiɳ ɑɓʀiʀ ʆɑร cuɛɳcɑร *
🌟 ɦɛɦ, ¿ɑ ɗѳɳɗɛ ѵɑɱѳร, ɓʀѳ? 🌟
* uɳ tɑɳtѳ cuʀiѳรѳ รѳʆɑɱɛɳtɛ ɑɓʀió uɳɑ cuɛɳcɑ y ѵiѳ ɦɑciɑ รu ɦɛʀɱɑɳѳ ɱɛɳѳʀ *
🌠 ɳyɛɦ ɦɛ ɦɛ!!!, ѵɑɱѳร ɑ ʀɛciɓiʀ ɑ ѳtʀѳร tú ɛɳ ʆɑ ɛɳtʀɑɗɑ, ¡ɑcɑɓɑɳ ɗɛ ʆʆɛgɑʀ ɳuɛѵѳร ѵiɑʝɛʀѳร! 🌠
* cѳɱɛɳtó ɑʆɛgʀɛɱɛɳtɛ pɑpyʀuร ɱiɛɳtʀɑร รɛ pɑʀɑɓɑ Բʀɛɳtɛ ɑ ʆѳร ѳtʀѳร รɑɳร pʀѳѵɛɳiɛɳtɛร ɗɛ ʆѳร ɗɛɱɑร uɳiѵɛʀรѳร pɑʀɑʆɛʆѳร *
🌠 ¡ɓuɛɳɑร ѵiɑʝɛʀѳร! ¡ɓiɛɳѵɛɳiɗѳร ɑ รtɑʀɗiɳ ! ¡yѳ รѳy ɛʆ gʀɑɑɑɑɑɳ pɑpyʀuร¡🌠
* pɑpร ʆuciɑ ɑʆɛgʀɛ y quɛʀiɛɳtɛ ɗɛ cѳɳѳcɛʀʆѳร, pɛʀѳ ѳutɛʀ รɛguiɑ tiʀɑɗѳ ɛɳ ʆɑ ɳiɛѵɛ *
🌟 ɓʀѳ cɑʆɱɑ, ɳѳ ʆѳร ѵɑyɑร ɑ "รɑcɑʀ ɗɛ ѳʀɓitɑ" 🌟
* รѳʆtɑɳɗѳ uɳɑ ʆigɛʀɑ ʀiรɑ tɑɳ รѳʆѳ ѵɛiɑ cѳɱѳ รu ɦɛʀɱɑɳѳ ʆѳ tѳɱɑɓɑ ɛɳ ɓʀɑzѳร y ʆɛ ʀɛpʀѳcɦɑɓɑ cѳɳ uɳ ɛɳѳʀɱɛ pucɦɛʀѳ *
🌠 ¡¡รɑɳร ɗɛʝɑ ɗɛ ɗɛciʀ ɛรѳร tɛʀʀiɓʆɛร cɦiรtɛร !! 🌠

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