

Ask @BexHoward

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god bec you so stupid .... hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha .. didnt u get it .. your beautiful

Yep im stupid;) ahha thankyou ") who is dis??<3

you think your so beautiful ............. but do u know what you are :)

Who said i think im beautiful? I dont;) What am i?;)

Ever wondered if you've met the person you're gonna marry? Best memory of 2013 so far? Do you want kids? if so how many? Whos concert did you last go to? Do you have a bestfriend?

Yeahh i have;) Snow with klara my bff;) yeahh i doo;) 2-3 maybe 4;) teen awards..mixed people;) yeahh well i have too many aha love em all tho xx

I was talking about the person asking the question as they slept it kaciee omg no

Whaa? That has confused me...english?<3

opinions on alex,klara,becky,maddie,liam,adam,chloe,amie,anna,luke,jon,ellie h and kaciee

Alex-well he is pretty funny and we have had some good times..not my fav person tho x
Klara - omg love her so much..in da snow..havent been bff long but so many memories and more to come
Becky-stunner, love her but shes changed...want the old un back<3
Maddie-shes alright had so many arguments..she is beautiful and she is okai, really nice ngl
Liam-well went thro a phase of liking him ngl..truthfully he is a dick and i see it al..can be funny tho ahha
Adam-what can i say your awesome ily ngl;)
Chloe-twin ilherlots
Amie-ewwiw share a room;)
Anna- stunnee trust her a lil but i dunno ;) ly
Luke-soo annoying
Jon-ahhha funnh times;)
Ellie -cousin. So funny and perfect in every way xx
Kacey-tutor buddy love her so much x

At what age do you consider someone old?

Hmm..well no one cause they are all young on the inside;) no matter their age they are still gonna act 2;)<3


Language: English