
Summer Sibling Committee

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On the new in laptop computers were we supposed to get Windows 8 or 7?

Windows 7. I believe there's a way to upgrade to 8, but I would wait until you get on campus to ask someone.
Evan Sun (esun@imsa.edu)
Sibling Program Director
05 Hall Senator
1505, Class of 2017

How is the internet speed?

Ranging from pretty good to alright depending on how many people are on at the time. You should be fine unless you're trying to stream 4k video or something.
Evan Sun (esun@imsa.edu)
Sibling Program Director
05 Hall Senator
1505, Class of 2017

Related users

Have students ever moved up to the higher band in the first few weeks of school?

Sorry but I've never heard that happening. Even if you happen to be good enough for Wind Ensemble, it's possible there just wasn't space.
Evan Sun (esun@imsa.edu)
Sibling Program Director
05 Hall Senator
1505, Class of 2017

Are there a lot of people that battle Pokemon competitively at IMSA?

Dude hmu. I play mostly rand doub, but I can pull together a team if necessarily. Austin Choi is also a boss at it. Find me on FB and let's play a few games!
Evan Sun (esun@imsa.edu)
Sibling Program Director
05 Hall Senator
1505, Class of 2017

If the language for the new computer science class is Python and you have already taken Python will you be able test out of it?

While the course is completely new so I can't say for certain, in the past students have been able to test out of other compsci classes. I would assume it would be the same with this course, however, because this is the first year the class is running, it's possible they won't be offering a way to test out.
Evan Sun (esun@imsa.edu)
Sibling Program Director
05 Hall Senator
1505, Class of 2017

how do you find out who your cac is?

Your CAC can be found if you go to Powerschool and click on Student Information. It will be under the student school information heading!
Samantha Medina
1503 B-wing wing guide
Class of 2016

For my SI Chemistry class, it says my teacher is 'Staff,New'. Is that a mistake or have they just not put in a new teacher's information?

Unfortunately, Dr. Choe, one of our old chemistry teachers, will not be returning to IMSA next year, so I assume that they just haven't put in a new teacher's info.
Evan Sun (esun@imsa.edu)
Sibling Program Director
05 Hall Senator
1505, Class of 2017

If there are breaks on a sophomore schedule, we can find another class that fits that mod if we like?

Yep. Just make sure you look at the pre-requisites and schedule a meeting with your CAC during add/drop.
Jin Komerska (jkomerska@imsa.edu)
06 Hall Senator
1506, Class of 2016

What can we do during the day when we have breaks in our schedule? Aside from obviously studying.

You can talk to teachers, hang out with friends, grab lunch, sit outside, catch up with your favorite staff member, go to the gym (depending on what time your break is at), take a nap, watch YouTube videos or play agar.io on your computer, or basically anything else that you feel like doing in the main building or outside.
Jin Komerska (jkomerska@imsa.edu)
06 Hall Senator
1506, Class of 2016

Since Moving and Learning is only one semester can you take another class the semester that you don't have it?


I'm confused about the payment plans. I signed up for 8 installment payments throughout the year but I got a mail from IMSA saying that the initial payment and the payment info needs to be in by Aug. 1. What is this initial payment? Is there anyone who has my plan & not paid the initial payment?

I'm not exactly sure how that works, but I vaguely remember being confused once about seeing contradicting dates online about payment. Your best bet would be to contact Ann Donohue at (630)907-5585. She's really nice, and she'll be able to help you figure that out.
Jin Komerska (jkomerska@imsa.edu)
06 Hall Senator
1506, Class of 2016

what considered as 'academic ' course What is max academic courses a sophomore can take? Is Orchestra or Music Theory or Ceramics considered as Academic. M&L ?

Math, science, history, English, and foreign language classes are considered academic. Music, art, and wellness classes are not. There's not really a cap put on how many academic courses a sophomore can take. However, you do have to take Moving and Learning, and most of the time, sophomores take a music class if they're taking an extra class. Technically, you could probably take seven academic classes one semester and eight the other, but your CAC would probably advise you not to do that, especially as a sophomore.
Jin Komerska (jkomerska@imsa.edu)
06 Hall Senator
1506, Class of 2016

If I have already taken Honors Chemistry, do I still have to take SI Chemistry? I heard that you could test out of it, but how do you do that? What class would I take instead?

On the first day of SI Chem there will be a pretest given to all the students. If you score high enough you can pass out of the class. You'll be placed into another chemistry elective that fits your schedule, like organic or environmental chemistry.
Good luck!
Rebecca Lisk (rlisk@imsa.edu)
1506- class of 2017

In the beginning of the school year, if I feel that my math course is to easy for me, can I test out of it?

If you think you were placed into the wrong math course, whether it's too easy or too difficult, talk to your teacher, and they'll help you figure it out. There are usually one or two students with cases like that.
Jin Komerska (jkomerska@imsa.edu)
06 Hall Senator
1506, Class of 2016

I have concerns with my 2nd semester courses. Do we with CAC now or we wait till Nov-Dec time frame?

With concerns, you might want to email or talk to your CAC at the beginning of the year, so that you don't find out later that you can't do something. However, if you're just looking to add/drop, sophomores and juniors do second semester add/drop at the end of first semester/at the beginning of second semester.
Jin Komerska (jkomerska@imsa.edu)
06 Hall Senator
1506, Class of 2016

Do the Wellness teachers give us time to change before/after class?

Yup. There are 5 minutes allocated at the beginning and end of class for changing. Protip: PE Uniforms aren't a thing, just wear athletic clothes
Jacob Horstman
1504 2017
jhorstman@imsa.edu hit me up!

YAY upperclassmen questions!! Will wing guides need to be on campus on Aug. 16? I haven't gotten an email or anything...

Lolol I gotchu.
We're moving in Monday, August 10th. If you can't make that, I'm pretty sure they send the alternate. They told us at like EVERY meeting. It's also on your RSL acceptance letter. Not trying to salt you, these are just facts haha
See you then, bud!
Jacob Horstman
1504 2017
jhorstman@imsa.edu hit me up

Why am I taking Biology again this year if I took it last year?

Biology at IMSA is probably more in depth than what you had at your old school, even if you took honors. A lot of electives also require biology knowledge and it's good to have everybody at the same level for bio. I took bio freshman year and still learned a lot. It's a really cool class.
Madison Dong (mdong@imsa.edu)
Junior at Large
1502, Class of 2017

Do you have to 'sign out' on the music lockers? Do we share? Do we have to be in a music program to keep our instruments there?

We sign up for them in the beginning of the school year. Ms. McCarthy keeps a list of who has belongings in which locker as well as the locker combo. There are some available for non-music program students, but they are generally reserved for those in the orchestra or band programs. 3-4 students will share a locker.
Sachin Govind
1507, Class of 2016

Lol i am probably gonna quit league of legends in IMSA ;-;. So long Diamond rank... I used to play league 4 hours a day, but then IMSA accepted me, so now I probably can't play. But, if I want to play, what are good times to play league of legends. I don't want Lol disturbing my studies :D

Haha I mean don't worry. Just control yourself. It's okay to play a couple games on the weekend to keep your rank. Internet shuts off at 3 am on Friday and Saturday night so it's not an uncommon thing for people to queue up those nights to just chill for the weekend. The ping can be kind of high (125ish) because a lot of people play, and there are sometimes spikes. You can get maybe 90 and under sometimes. Make sure you use your Ethernet cable when you play. Much faster connection and it doesn't randomly disconnect.
I was worried about being addicted at IMSA and my grades and stuff, but just control. There are some people who get sucked into the game. Don't be one of them. Forget first win of the day.
Madison Dong (mdong@imsa.edu)
Junior at Large
1502, Class of 2017

I wanted German I, but I got Spanish III. Is this something I can change during add/drop?

I'd email your CAC and ask if it's possible to switch. I was placed in German and requested to be in French 3 because I tested into it.
Madison Dong (mdong@imsa.edu)
Junior at Large
1502, Class of 2017


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