
Billie Grace

Ask @BillieHamm

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do you have an older brother? if so, you got any suggestions on how to get bros to back off, when they put you in a headlock?

No I dont

You are a gorgeous and amazing girl, any guy that has ever done you wrong is a fucking idiot..your next guy better treat you right or ima have to knock him down..js

Aw thank you hahaha bless you x

You don't deserve single..., there's a man out there waiting, and dw, he'll give you a Netflix date, with pizza ;)

Hahahha I'll jus been waitinggggg
Liked by: Breanna

All the girls I've been with are..starting arguments over her going clubbing, she says she gets dragged out but I know she wants to go, she has other guys fancying her etc..just too much mate..help

Idk what to say because I ain't ever been in that sorta situation, but you say all the girls are that you've been with? Maybe try going for someone differentt to any of your other ex's,your probably going for the same type of girl without even realising it


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