

Ask @BlairBear1313

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Did you ever fall asleep in school?

I feel like anyone that's had Mrs. Stevens fell asleep in class at some point.

Do you work well under pressure?

im working under pressure now. And I only ever work under pressure so I don't know if I'd do better when not. (I leave everything till the last minute)

Real tattoo or henna tattoo?

Real. I think henna looks stupid usually especially when it's coming off.

horror movies yes or no

All the way even though I've never seen a really good one. The stories are awesome but I've never been actually scared by them... I grew up with my dad so yeah horror movies from day one.

Do you have a memorable picture from back in the day? PAP!

Me before I almost died haha. That shirt is nolonger white. it's like pinkish red.

Seriously we could have our own reality show or something I feel stalked

It just has all the drama all of it. It'll be the new keeping up with the kardashian's. The Colton and Kayla show.

You're stuck between a rock and a hard place, what are you going to do?

Call up my old buddy Satan to get me out of it.

Whoever is starting shit or making a sorry attempt to can stop. They're tight like siblings have been for a long time

Haha like seriously people need to grow up and stop causing unnecessary drama over the Internet. Either they find it fun to start shit or they're way to invested in your relationship Kayla. 😂

do Jessica and Kayla's boyfriend have a thing if anyone would know it would be u

First of all no they don't. COLTON, Jessica, and I have been friends for years. We all hang out together and talk about the stupidest shit. Jessica doesn't think of COLTON in that way at all. Holy god use his name you're saying that like he's property haha. His name is Colton C-O-L-T-O-N not "Kayla's boyfriend" It's none of your business if she hangs out with him or not. Also Colton's not a cheater. -_-

what are your plans for match break

Fallout 4 just like straight.... cause you know, I have a life... 😂

how have you been spending your March break?

I've been playing lots of Skyrim. Summing up my March break it is basically just video games and sleeping.


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