

Favorite show on Toonami right now?

If I had asked this question when it was sent to me, I would have said Hellsing Ultimate, but right now, I'd probably go with... One Piece? I'm not sure. Mainly because it's been in recaps for a long time.
It'll definitely be Kill la Kill when it premieres, though. =D

Latest answers from Gordon

What are your thoughts on the temporary downtime the ASMB is going through? Since I can't ask you there, of course.

It has been a very tough experience. For starters, that damn splash page has been taunting me for an eternity and a few spare Champloo episodes, and the annoyance has lasted right up to this very moment. I know that we're getting an awesome new forum out of this, and it will be very fun to defecate in, on, and maybe even all around it, but this phenomena still bothers the hell out of me.
Now... what about you? =X
Ironically, the downtime happened to fall on the one weekend where I wasn't able to watch the live broadcast of Toonami. After I catch up on this week's fine assortment of programs, I'll initiate a conversation with you about Mine.

Am I the only one who thinks that NewMe2016 isn't actually Moose, but a REALLY convincing Moose impersonator, and that's the reason the mods haven't banned him yet? Before you answer, yes, I know, it's a stupid theory, I just wanted to get that out there...

Well, whoever is running that account isn't living up to the usual standards of being a Moose. Personally, I think that it *is* him... but he's decided to take a temporary break from trolling, which has thrown some people off.

When is the best time of day to watch anime?

Obviously, Saturday nights are great, because Toonami fits right into my schedule, but I don't mind watching a bit on most days of the week. The problem is committing to it.

What makes you sad?

When people argue for the sole purpose of trying to increase their internet karma, and they are extremely screamy and mean in doing so.

(To be answered after Toonami) What did you think of SAO tonight?

Well... now I'm worried *I* might get Super AIDS.

Language: English