

Ask @BonnieBogle

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Since you aren't talking to anyone what do you want in a guy?

just want him to make me happy. say cute things. not care about the drama. brighten up my day. I want him to be an original. I want him to be different. I don't care what your social status is. as long as you treat me right. I wanna be able to bring you home to ma && her be proud of me && trust me to leave the house with you:)) everyone makes mistakes>>>we don't have time to be sorry. I'm looking for that special someone. I want him to like me without any make up && be proud to talk about me. boys are stupid. I get it. but I know there are those perfect ones. don't let them hurt you. just be ready for the hard times. but remember the good times cause those are the best memories❤️ your gonna cry && get hurt. but trust me. he's not right for you if you cry all the time over him. be happy❤️❤️
Liked by: E'Kyious Sanders


Language: English