

Ask @BookOfTamara

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Do you listen to any non-political podcasts or vlogs while you work? Any recommendations would be much appreciated.

I've never really gotten into podcasts; my apologies

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What caused you to turn from pro-choice to pro-life?

Originally I was pro-choice simply because it was cool. I'd never given the position much thought. To be honest, I didn't even know what an abortion was. Vacuum aspiration, Dilation and evacuation, I didn't know what any of that meant. This is probably a subject for a later date and blogpost, but it was a conversation I had with my grandmother that really started to change my heart on this. I can't remember how we got on the topic, but she was basically just telling me all of these stories about her pregnancies (and you have to understand the context: Lagos in the 1950s, no sonograms or anything of the sort) and about some difficulties too. After that I just became really interested in not just being anti-abortion but pro-life in a really meaningful way. My school has a wonderful pro-life group and it's still funny to me that it took going off to school become really comfortable with being openly pro-life. I'll answer this in better detail at some point. Thank you for asking :)

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Liked by: Squido Sama!

I've noticed that you follow some white power nationalists on Twitter. Do you just do that as a joke, or you think that they are interesting?

Gosh what is it with you guys and being very bad at disguising the fact that you like to ask questions about yourselves

You have said before that you think fairly well of the southern reactionaries, but it seems they think fairly well of black slavery. Is their position ignorant, misplaced, or downright evil? losingthecreek.wordpress.com/2015/07/18/excerpt-thornwell-on-our-great-conflict-and-true-progress/

Why not just ask what I think of your blog directly?
Liked by: Alex Kirby

Do you think feminism has made women happier? Also why don't you say more about feminism?

Whatever the definition of feminism is, it's tainted. It's difficult for me to discuss it in any meaningful way except to say that I don't think it's made women happier, especially if our skyrocketing use of antidepressants is any indicator. I think telling women they can "have it all," i.e. a fulfilling career *and* fulfilling life as a wife/mom without having to sacrifice one or the other was the biggest lie (2nd wavers in particular) sold women

Are you a Justine Sacco supporter?

I don't know how anyone could look at the mob that came after her and her livelihood and not be a supporter, so yes.

Don't you find the alt-right movememt fascinating? They're anti-war, pro-white, anti non European immigration, pro-socialism (so long as it's a homogenous white society), anti gay marriage, pro gun, the list goes on. What do you think?

Not fascinating; inevitable
Liked by: Preston S. Brooks

If liberalism isn't "edgy" is conservatism? Or libertarianism?

I say, "that's not even edgy," in reply to a lot of things I find silly (ex: the obvious marketing ploy by company after company who turned their social media profiles rainbow after June 26) because progressivism is about edginess. Conservatism (and I don't mean the conservatism that's only about 20 years behind dems) isn't worth it because now that people are sailing to the left, it's what remains . I believe it's a better way. Picking movements because they're edgy pretty much only assures people will go wherever the wind takes them.

Did you think the debate was good?

As a spectacle, sure. It's all a really tedious process. They should just get on with it and give Hillary her crown.

say you were at a party and a random guy came up to you and hugged you really hard that you cant even move your hands, how would you get him off you?

implausible scenario is implausible
Liked by: Henry Gloucester

Do you think the United States will remain 50 states forever, or will that number likely change?

I don't think it will remain united forever, so in that sense the number would change

I'm 18 years old, and I am really struggling with my faith. I find it harder and harder to actually believe in God every day. I still consider myself a Christian, but I really just don't know anymore. I feel like sitting in church is just a huge waste of my time. Can you relate? Any advice or tips?

This may be presumptuous, but do you think it has anything to do with your church? When I felt this way during my senior year, I started to realize that my denomination and church had a lot to do with those feelings.

When the Chinese colonized Tibet, and wiped out their culture through mass immigration and miscegenation, it was considered genocide by most, but the massive 3rd world invasion and racial displacement going on in Europe not considered that? What's with the double standard

Fascinating thought process
Liked by: Preston S. Brooks


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