
Elaina Houser

what's your thoughts on cutting or suicide?

this is going to be a rough topic for me to talk about... but my thoughs..
if you are wanting to cut because of what someone else is saying about you. don't go there please.. going down that path is the absolutely the hardest.. cause once your family finds out you may go through counseling and all that and that is a good think talking to people about what you are going through is what you should do besides self harm. talking about what's going on is not always the easiest.. but you can't just sit there and bottle everything up and keep it to yourself because you then start into the negative throughs.. and that's can always lead to suicidal thought.. if you are having any of then please for me and your family. take the blades and everything you used through them away or have someone else take them and talk to people you trust..you may not realize.. but once you take your own life.. it causes your family, friends to hurt a lot.. puts all of them through a hard time.. so please please please talk to someone. I will talk to you if you need someone to talk. I don't care if I know you or not I will be there for you.. because iknow the feeling of losing people to this.. it really hurts everyone so please stop and think before you do it! you can do it I believe in you. you can stop and continue your life as a new person!

Latest answers from Elaina Houser

are you camping this weekend?

Well yes. But No.
Me cole and Willie stayed in a hotel Friday and Saturday night. Because willie doesn't sleep well at the campground. but tonight we're staying g at the campground cause willie is going home!

how could your life be different?

well.. I could have my dad in my life.. I would have both parents but he's gone.. so that's one way my life has changed. there's plenty more. 😢

you could do better than cole

Oh I could? what do you mean better.
He's the only guy that handles my attitude,my pissy days, the days all I do is complain. he handles a lot of me you'd be suprised. I'm suprised he's stayed. because I'm not an easy person to handle or deal with like he does but guess what he does an amazing job! I Love Him for that! he's the best! there may be other guys out there but idont want them iwant the one igot I'm happy with him and that's who I want!

Language: English