
Elaina Houser

What is the most important thing to know?

that suicide is not the answer to anything. This message needs to get out to the whole world. so many people think that they are alone in every way possible but they are not! Everyone is fighting some kind of battle right now some may not be bad as others. some may have to live with that for the rest of there life's others may be gone in a month or so. Give it time it will have to get worse before ot gets better you probably have heard that before but that's the truth (personal experience) some may know that about 10 months ago in October I got a concussion at school lifting.. the bar fell on the back of my head.. Ididnt think it was anything serious.. I went in got told I had a concussion! I thought you know it would be gone within a few months but guess what.. it's not it's gotten worse before better. I blacked out ended up in the Er.. and now seeing the only specialist in the state. It has been a tough journey down this path.. I thought about suicide some may say I don't sound like that kind of person but it doesn't matter who it is it can be anyone that thinks about suicide. So please step out of your confront zone and get the help you need or just simply talk to someone iknow I'm not going to get 100 likes or anything but the word of suicide prevention needs to get out because so many teen suicides are happening and if people would help others out rather than judge we wouldn't be losing so many wonderful people! you are all truly amazing people! I am here for all of you!
You are loved!
You are beautiful!
You are worth it!
I love you!💙

Latest answers from Elaina Houser

are you camping this weekend?

Well yes. But No.
Me cole and Willie stayed in a hotel Friday and Saturday night. Because willie doesn't sleep well at the campground. but tonight we're staying g at the campground cause willie is going home!

how could your life be different?

well.. I could have my dad in my life.. I would have both parents but he's gone.. so that's one way my life has changed. there's plenty more. 😢

you could do better than cole

Oh I could? what do you mean better.
He's the only guy that handles my attitude,my pissy days, the days all I do is complain. he handles a lot of me you'd be suprised. I'm suprised he's stayed. because I'm not an easy person to handle or deal with like he does but guess what he does an amazing job! I Love Him for that! he's the best! there may be other guys out there but idont want them iwant the one igot I'm happy with him and that's who I want!

Language: English