
Elaina Houser

Ask @Bouserhouser

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What do you think of peope who cut?

Ive got asked this a lot.. Since my niece has cut..! Just because someone cuts doesn't mean they are any different than you! They are beautiful in there own way.. They are living a life just like you.. Just because you don't cut doesn't mean they are different then you.. They cut for a reason.. Other people may not think that its the best thing to do.. But that is there way of getting there feelings out.. Some people cry.. Some cut.. theres more ways.. They do it because it helps them.. I am not proud that my niece cut but you know what it has made her realize that no one is perfect.. There are so many reason people cut.. Family reasons.. Bulling.. They don't feel like they are worth it... You may be the reason they cut.. What it they cut to deep and die.. How would you feel..? You would feel horrible.. A family just lost there son/daughter... So watch what you say.. It could effect someones life.. Cutting is not the the best thing to do.. But im not saying that i hate it or people that cut are bad people. Because they are not bad people in anyway! They just want to feel wanted or loved.. So thats what they do.. People that don't cut or haven't ever tried do not know what its like.. There is a reason behind every scar.. So watch what you say to some people you never know what they are going through in life or what they have gone through.. Some people have learned all you can do it fake a smile.. People don't know when you are faking a smile.. Most fall for a fake smile.. The people you would least except that cut are the ones that are alls happy! Smile on there face and laughing! I know a few people that cut.. When they told me they cut.. I started crying.. I would of never expected that they would do it! People they are always happy smiling and friends with everyone and act like nothings wrong!
I love you all!
If you are reading this and you cut.. Know that you are here for a reason(: you are loved by many..If you would go to far you would be missed a lot.. You are all beautiful in your own way! Stay Beautiful!❤️
If you know someone who cuts try and help them stop.. If you are afraid of talking to them about it or think they are going to freak out because you brought it up.. Talk to someone who you trust.. Talk to your mom, their mom.. Someone who you trust in their family or yours.. Or one of your close friends but if you are the only one who knows that may not be a good idea.. Trust me it's better for them to be mad at you that you told.. then.. You wake up one day and they are gone for ever..
Every need to talk to someone i am here to talk to you!(:❤️

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What are you looking forward to in the new year?

Starting over fresh.. Cause i was kinda a bitch! So i wanna get to know people better and become friens with them!
Liked by: Sid!(:

My life is messed up.. I want to dieee

Right now your life may be messed up but thats the way you will get stronger... Your life will get better give it time... Believe me you are beautiful inside and out! No matter what anyone say! Everyone is beautiful in there own ways.. Please do not die.. Give it time.. Everything will get better.. Don't think of wanting to die.. You are better than that.. Talk to someone you trust a lot.. I am sure they would love to talk to you about anything because i doubt that they would want to lose a great friend like you! Everyone goes through hard times in their life's.. Some aren't as big as other.. But there is a reason behind everything happening in your life.. In 10-15 year nothing that happened in middle school- high school will matter!
Ever need someone to talk to kik me.

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What did you get for christmas?

Lotion,Pefume, Jordan Slides, clothes, giftcards, money, Under armour backpack, north face sweat shirt and a lot more!

Did you know you niece cut? What do you think of that?

I think you meant cuts*
Yes i know my niece cuts. What do i think about it.. Everyone thinks that they can all quite so easy.. I know a few people that cut it is not easy.. There is a reason behind every cut.. Katelyn just needs to know that people do love her.. Her family and friends will always love her no matter what! People need to stop judging people that cut.. Cutting is there way if getting there anger out.. It may not be the best way to get the pain out... What if some day she goes to far.. As in far i mean dies.. I would be crushed.. Shes a beautiful girl in side and out.. I don't care what anyone elso says.. We may not always get along.. But she is family.. What if tomorrow you woke up and you brother/sister was gone.. Gone forever and you never saw them again.. You wouldn't know what to do that is how your whole family would feel.. So stop judging people who cut.. Knowing that she cuts just makes me want to cry! Shes so beautiful! She has a loving family that loves her and believes in her every step of the way! ❤️
Anyone reading this who cuts! Someone loves you! You are beautiful and unique in your own way never forget that! And please try and stop before its to late.. I know it is hard to stop but it is the best for you.. Its the beginning or a new year start fresh and be you! You are in this world for a reason believe it or not... So never give up! I have never personally cut but i know how hard it is for people to start! If you ever need to talk kik me:glittergirllhouser51

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I want to kill myself..

No.. You are here for a reason you believe it or not.. You are here to stand out.. Be you.. Be happy.. Don't try and be someone you aren't that is not the point of life.. Suicide is not the answer.. Your family would miss you.. You would be leaving them.. You would break so many hearts.. You think that it is will be the best but honestly it is not.. Stay strong it will get better.. It may not be better tomorrow, or in a month or maybe even years but trust me it will get better just believe in yourself! A really close family friend.. Well actually he was like my brother! He dated my sister for a really long time.. One day before his birthday.. He hade enough he took his life.. Nobody knows why.. Hearts were broken when everyone found out.. There were so many tears.. So please don't do it.. You are loved my thousands so don't do it.. Try talking to someone about what you are going through.. Nobody is perfect.. Talk to someone that you know that will not judge you talk to someone you trust enough to talk to them.. You are going to be judged,hated,& love.. Only care what the people that love you think about you because i beat you are an amazing person.. Don't be down on yourself... Please Stay Strong! What ever you are going through know that your family loves you and would miss you!

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