
Caitlin Ross

Ask @Caitlinross

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How did you and Hannah make up?

Sent her a massive long text saying all the things I missed about her and basically made her cry with soppyness:)

When you are under stress, do you prefer to be alone or do you seek comfort in friends?

Own cause we all know that people don't really give a monkeys
Liked by: shannon

What was the first thing on your mind this morning?

Somebody that I really need to let go:( ew hurts so bad

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I have hookt but forgot all my details so it won't let me make a new one ha and it won't let me download kik, I have to go, it was nice speaking to you ;'3

Haha fail:)

What's Anxiety?

Where you get really nervous and anxious about things or get really scared and overwhelmed

Seeing your mum have good days? What's the matter with her?

seeing my mum happy is the best feeling:) not like I'm going to put it on here is it?

favorite food? If you could travel anywhere In the world right now, where would you go? What makes you happy? If you could be with any one person right now, who would it be? What is your favorite movie?

Want to say something interesting but it's probably southern fried chicken or pizza haha:)Paris or New York:) my baby cousins, seeing mum have good days, food, good morning beautiful texts and snuggles:) someone who could make me laugh! I feel like laughing but there's nothing to laugh at:) I like lol, life as we know it, a little bit of heaven and the back up plan
Liked by: Carlie✌

You dont get anxiety over crowds,thats a panic attack or claustrophobia just saying bby

It feels like anxiety haha

How bad does your anxiety get?

Like when I can't breathe and start shaking and stressing! Like last year in art when loads of people were crowding my table that me, Hannah mad Andy were sitting at I started stressing and got proper scared so Hannah and Andy were like back off yeah and I got proper stressed and my throat went really dry and I nearly cried:( I just look like I am stressing but inside I can't breathe and stuff like that its so bad and horrible:( Hannah and Andy are the only people who had ever seen me like that my parents haven't even seen me haha
Liked by: luceee shannon

Opinion on Andy Silverwood?

Funny, good looking, in my English, miss him been in like all my lessons last year, used to take the mick because I'm dumb-_- proper obsessed with skateboarding, cheeky, Lives near Hannah, always seams to smell nice (that sounded weirder then it did in my head haha) don't really speak anymore which is sad cause we were close last year:'( anyway yeah he's cool:)

Opinion on your mum

Haha ermmm well she gets on my nerves so so so much and lets me down but I love her and I would be lost without her tbh! She listens to my problems and just cuddles me. she looks after me when im ill. she sorts my problems out and Helps me make the right desicisons. she makes all my stress and anxiety go away. i would actaully take a bullet for her and she would do the same! she may Have made some bad desicions and let me down quite a few times but i Love her bare amounts and she's one of the most important people in my life right now! I love you momma:*
Liked by: shannon

Opinion on Ben proctor-beridge

GINGER NINJA! He loves me and Hannah forever as he clearly writes on his hand in science..it's not us at all;) he's so funny oh my gosh in art he makes me laugh at so awkward times-_- spilt egg all over his bag when I was sat next to him in a controlled assessment haha was so funny! His book and bag now reek of egg ew-_- so dirty minded its unreal:) he has ginger hair and looks like ed sheeran. Love our ginger ninja whoooooo:* xx

Omg that's so cute baby, girl, i love you lots, oh btw this is emma, i cba logging in hahaha:**

Haha awh hope it made you smile:* I love you more then chocolate and cuddles which is what me need soon omg! Lazyyyyy

Opinion on Emma slagston

What a pathetic person you are! For a start her name is Emma Claxton and you really need to look at the definition of slag haha you little gay!well Emma's perfect in my eyes and is the most trustworthy person ever! Never judges me and is so funny! My belly actually kills from laughter after being with her and to me she's amazing! Is funny when she talks about people haha and is so cute:) cheers me up whenever I'm down and I know if I need her all I have to do is ask! Okay so she's beautiful as well! She's my girl so back off yea? I would actually kill anyone who hurts her! She deserves all the happiness in the world and I hope she gets it all! We're getting closer yay:) I LOVE YOU BABY GIRL XXXXXXXXX


Language: English