
Caitlin Ross

Ask @Caitlinross

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Love your last answer. They don't even know you personally to judge you that harshly. stay strong dear.

:) thank you hunny:*

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You okay princess? chin up yeah?ignore hate. we all have flaws hut i woildnt know yours if i had to search for it ok?i love you so much. here if you need,keep smiling yeah?x

Awh Shannon:) I love you and don't forget that:) ill keep smiling just for you:*
Liked by: shannon

To the 'people' that are giving her hate, will you leave her alone, it doesnt make you big or hard, Your just little pussys on anon, i love this girl, she's prefect, Now leave her the fuck alone or atleast come of anon so i can have ago at you Ok? Is that Clear? I love you Caitlin, chin up bby girl

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Go starve yourslef

*yourself and its pretty impossible with a best friend like Hannah because she would personally shove the food down my throat so take it out on her:)

http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc6/195541_525682109_1593917462_n.jpg be more like your sister! She's perfect your clearly not

Okay I'm putting you straight. She's my step-sister! She's not blood related but I only have her and my step brother that's why I always stick up for them when they get hate! I look nothing like my sister apart from we both have blond hair! Stop comparing us to each other we're completely different and I'm sick of being compared to her! Yes I know she's absolutely stunning and I'm not but stop comparing our imperfections! It's so annoying. I'm sorry I'm not perfect like her I'm really sorry but hey everyone has flaws! Rant over
Liked by: shannon

massive opinion on lucy wilton x

hey lucy:) well shes perfect tbh! we used to be bestfriends then faded but were really close atm and i hope it stays like that for a long time because she makes me smile so much:) she has very ginger hair and i trust her and basically she could write a essay on my life because i tell her everything! shes so pretty and funny and awh shes just amazing! she knows im always there for her and shes always there for me:) we are off to france together whooooooo! i love my ginger princess:*

Celebrity crush?

I have so many! All of one direction, mark whalburg (think that's how you spell it) and Ryan Reynolds are a few of them:)


Language: English