
Caitlyn Calcaterra

Ask @Caitlymariee

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Do you ever want to say something but then realize that it’s not going to make a difference or change your life in any way so you just keep your thoughts to yourself?

Nah you can’t get me to ever shut tf up

If you found out a friend had betrayed you, but you love them, would you let it go without telling them?

Absolutely not, I’ve had so many friendships end because of betrayal, I’m not one to sugar coat and let shit slide. I call it out and say bye

In 20 years old and still buy stuffed animals for myself. I know this is strange but I’d like to think I’m not the only one.

It’s not strange, I love stuffed animals

I'm alone all the time, but I don't get lonely. Is that weird?

Not at all! I’ve been spending a lot of time alone lately and it’s been nice. I’ve been working on things that I’ve been procrastinating on and starting up my hobbies again. I am very content with being alone, I enjoy myself and it was a long journey getting to that


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