
Game of Thrones Memes

Ask @Catakate7

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#Ce penibili sunt cei care iau unele persoane în râs doar pentru atenție și popularitate. Uneori chiar mă gândesc dacă creierul lor îi ajută cu ceva în viață sau stă acolo doar de formă. Ce părere aveți despre așa persoane?👌

Îmi sunt indiferente persoanele de acest fel atâta timp cât acțiunile lor nu mă afectează . La urma urmei , nimeni nu e perfect și nu e ok să judeci pe nimeni indiferent de ceea ce ar fi făcut.

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Ai ierta pe cineva care ti-a gresit foarte mult doar ca sa nu pierzi acea persoana?

Under no circumstances ... If somebody would ever do such a thing to me, that person never deserved to be in my life. I don't believe in giving the second chance, because people don't change, they just pretend.
Liked by: Marius Delfii Laura

They love and enjoy talking to me but they never text first they get excited and blabla tab why the hell they never text first? What to do in such case?

Well, don't be the one who texts first anymore.
Liked by: Laura squadupLOM

What are some words that we can tell two girls who left each other and stopped being friends because of a mistake and they forgot all the good things that happened....?

Trust takes years to build , seconds to break and forever to repair . So there are no words that we can tell to them , because they will never be friends again .

La ce seriale te-ai uitat pana acum?

I watched a lot of TV series like GoT , 13RW , True Blood , Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. , Hannibal , 12 Monkeys , but I recently fall in love with AHS .
Liked by: Laura

Postează o poză cu a cincea imagine din telefonul tău.

" I crossed a thousand leagues to come to you , and lost the best part of me along the way . Don't tell me to leave. "
( George R.R. Martin , A Storm of Swords )


Language: English