

Ask @ChescAzurin

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Have you ever thought about going somewhere where nobody knows you and starting a new life?

I'm currently thinking about it. I just don't know where to move. Probably west coast or down to Florida. ?

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On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you RN?

10. Because I'm in the happiest place on earth! Believe me, I'm smiling. ?
On a scale of 1 to 10 how happy are you RN

Everyone has Christmas time traditions, do you guys have Halloween traditions though?

Since I got here, I don't really spend Christmas or Halloween anymore.

What's your favorite horror movie?

Shutter. Till now I can't watch it again because of one scene from the movie that gives me the chills.

Ever wanted to say someone something but couldn't say it???

Oh yeah! ? It's not that I couldn't say it but it's more of being scared to say it and then the other person will not like it and will avoid me after. Gets? ?

Have you ever been rude to someone and you didn't mean it? What did you do after that?

Yes. I think we all been at some point in our life. Believe it or not I admit when I'm wrong. So when that happens I apologize.

Haha our Generation are addicted to phone and how can I cheer you up?

I agree. ?? Cheer me up? Can you introduce yourself first? ?

What does friendship mean to you? What should your friend be like? Do you have a lot of friends?

I think all I need is someone who can be there whenever I feel down. Someone who can remind me that everything will be okay. I only have few but real friends. I'd rather have 4 quarters than a hundred pennies.


Language: English