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Latest answers from Belly

hello <3 how are you doing? :)

Hi Lia! I'm ... really happy ATM. I don't know what it is but in honestly enjoying life rn and just trying to be happy :) Yesterday was my birthday so there's also that so I had a great day and overall a great month already ☺️☺️☺️ and you? It's been so long since we last talked! BEAR HUG FOR GOOD OLD TIMES

If you had one wish, what would you wish for?

the Syrian dictator Assad, along with Putin, are about to completely massacre an entire city - Aleppo. the Syrian army has taken over 98% of the city. families are sitting together, praying, knowing any minute will be their last minute on earth. civilians are tweeting their last goodbyes, sending out last minute pleas for someone, anyone, to help.
imagine that. sitting with the people you love, holding each other, hearing nothing but their harsh breathing and the clash of bombs completely destroying your home, killing your neighbors, your friends, you. just imagine that. i cant, i really cannot.
the U.N. has already called Syria the worst humanitarian crisis in this century. experts are saying this massacre rivals that of WW2 (not to take away from the holocaust) in terms of how heinous and completely disgusting it is.
i’m not the best with words, with conveying me emotions. but please take a moment out of your time to acknowledge this, at least. this is the worst humanitarian crisis happening on Earth right now, according to the U.N. this is a breach of human rights, of all our rights. you should be concerned, in the least.¨ - fullhalalalchemist on tumblr

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What word do you love the sound of?

#SayTheirNames and countless of others
Black Lives Matter

Does your name have a meaning? What is it?

#SayTheirNames and countless of others
Black Lives Matter

Language: English