

Ask @ChloeMontero

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Bella Thorne off of Disney Channel Shake it up answered my question!!!! omafg !!! ....*dead.*

Jordan ur so sad

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If you could live anyone's life for a day, who would it be?

I dunno someone rly pretty and kind :')

Prettiest girls at your school

Lol urmm Katie bird ... Demi Bellamy .... Amiee hills .... Georgia sherwin ..... I dunno any think atm

How often do you feel the need to go to Lidl?

I don't .... Lidil is a gross shop :/ Idc if you think that sounds snobby but its true

You are beautiful and perfect in everyway, stay strong <3

Awh thank you :) this made my day ily anon :)

stop abusing chloe! look all of u who r, fuck off and get on with ur pathetic lives, just because ur unhappy with urs, dont mean u haft to fuck up hers, she has i hope, a good bf who loves her, and bestfriends that she can turn to, she dont need all of u abusing her so fuck off!!! wankers...

:) this made my day :')

You saying that my statement was sarcastic implies that you think Tito is ugly....(which she is but she doesn't need constant reminding)

Not nessisarly :')

i have never met you before and yeah you look like a slag in your dp

Thanks :') I love you I'm defo a slag :') I think you should go get a dictionary and find the meaning of the word :)

Anon.... If you're so 'ard' why do you have to hide anonymously? Grow some fucking balls and stop abusing people you sad pathetic low life!

Thanks :')
Liked by: jake simpson

well i'm bored and have not been on here in ages

So u decided to come be a bitch towards me and billy fun life you lead


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