

Ask @ChloeMontero

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If you had three wishes, what would they be?

To be skinny, to be pretty and to have all my friends an family happy :)

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What are the three things that you cannot live without?

Phone friends/boyfriend and family!!!!!

How do you spend most of your time on the Internet?

Scrolling through ask.fm and Facebook whilst listening to songs on YouTube

What's the latest thing that made you smile?

Being called beautiful and long deep chats with billy :3

What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?

Trust me but yet that's also been the worst

What is the very last thing you do before you settle in to fall asleep at night?

Urm usually text "night I love you" to billy ha

What is happiness for you?

Skating with my friends or my dad :') and being with my fiends and boyfriend :)

What's your favorite photo that you've taken?

Urmmh idk I don't like any of my photos cause I'm in them XD

If you had to pick one place in your town to bring a tourist, where would you go?

I wouldn't Essex is shitee :') x
Liked by: Saff

If you had 24 hours to spend anyway you wanted, and money wasn't a concern, what would you do?

I'd teleport me and one lucky person to Florida so we dot. Have to waste time waiting for a plane then go to all the theme parks and waterparks the teleport back home and take all my friends and family to a fancy restraint and by them all food :')

What are your 5 most favorite Websites?

Facebook twitter Instagram ask.fm and urrmmhh. JLS official :')

At what age do you consider someone old?

I don't consider age for people being old it's all about looks :/


Language: English