
Christian Pearson

Ask @ChristianCombatCarrotPearson

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Just tell me one thing. Are you happier now you've moved on? Cos it haunts me everyday I just want to bury the hatch.

I haven't been happy in years. And especially now. I have to act like I am I to stop people asking 24/7 what's wrong.

I miss you. But we need to talk. Soon.

That fine. Inbox me, text me or talk to me if you next see me who ever this is....

Why do you just care about being single? It's pathetic. No this ain't who you think it is before you blame her. But seriously it's all you complain about. Then when you're with a girl you talk about other lasses and how fit they are. It ain't fair sweetie.

Aimee I guess or Sam again? But I don't care tbh and yeah I make a lot of mistakes! And right now I don't care. So bye

Chris I know you're just gonna explain why you left but I need to tell you how I feel. I need to tell you in person I can't say it over this. All I can say is I love you for you chris. Please stop changing yourself. I miss the old you.

I change all the time because people change me. And what's happened. I've given in and hate the old me so talk to me soon

I can't even look at you the same way chris. Whileim with you you say you love me and as soon as I'm gone it's like oh I'll go do this. We'll guess what Connar tells me everything. Call me immature but even though you aren't mine it hurts. I can't even think about looking at you. You know what I'm t

Connor tells you fucking lies! Him and his bitch (Sara) spread that I have APPARENTLY I've shagged a 13 year old in a bush in fitzy WHICH IS BULL SHIT! So my advice is don't listen to my cousin or Sara!

You shagged a 15 year old you pedo bastard!

WTF! Fucking bull shit! Sick of the bloody rumours being spread. And for your information I've never had sex with anyone under 16 so fuck off! I'm going to find out who's spreading these rumours cause I'm sick of them now! Believe what you want but me and my true friends know the truth you sick twats.
Liked by: Samantha Jade

I wish I could've told you tonight how I feel but it's too hard when sobs are in your throat. I'm sorry you had to be with someone like me. I'm sorry I did this to you but I can't move on.

You mean you having to put up with a cunt like me? Aimee hates me, your not in the best of terms with me cause I hurt you (not on purpose). You've never done anything to me. I'm the one who is sorry

Well it kills her too! Just tell her! And she'll tell you! I know everything's not okay and you can't undo past but tonight she walked away crying chris.i can tell. Just tell her and she'll understand. She wants to know but she won't move on chris!

She's not the only one who walked away crying!

This isn't Lauren please don't have a go but you called her obsessive. And you say you love her but then you say to other girls you love them too. It hurts her and whenever you see her look her in the eyes and tell her the truth about how you feel. It helps :)

You think I'm fine? You all think I'm sane and can cope but I can't cope and sane? Well I wish myself dead but who would know but me? My heads messed up with who I do and don't like but yet again all anyone sees is me being a cunt. I wish I could tell Lauren everything on how I feel but what use would it do because nothing will ever change and the past can't be undone. This is not me having a go but we are better as friends and both of us need to move on! And yes it's not as easy for me as you all seem to think it is. It kills me!

I'm sorry you had to carry me round for 8months. I'm a burden and you shouldn't have had to cope with me. I'm a bitch and you shouldn't have had to put up with someone like me. I'm sorry

This isn't Lauren because she knows she's not a burden to me and the 8 months we were together wasn't shit but I loved every minute of it. But things happen and life continues!

Look I'm sorry I just....I'm a bitch lately and I'm sorry. Apology accepted? I'm just having a tough time. I get that you think I used to be obsessive and I try not to be I'm just upset and angry you aren't around anymore. I just want you back without any hassle. I'm sorry freckles

I know your sorry and so am I! But I can't do that! I can't come back no matter how much you say your family aren't bothered anymore I can't risk it!

I miss you

Read the rest of my ask lately before jumping to conclusions when I said your obsessive, I meant to to say "used to" and I do care about you too but you know the reason I can't do anything!


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