Your actually such a horrible person, have a go at anyone and everyone, you dont deserve to live you are unimportant to everyone
I would be kind of worried if I'd would have got you pregnant after 2 weeks of seeing you, infact I believe we never did anything like that did we ? <3 xxx
You looked pregnant at prom. Shagging the new boyfriend were we?
Oh wow prom was 7 months ago. If after 2 weeks of seeing someone you can look pregnant from having a flat belly than nice one Think if I was pregnant id of either had it or have a proper bump now.
Għarus tiegħek jeħtieġ li tmur jikkommettu suwiċidju!
Nice use of google translate it is a wonderful tool is it not? I believe the last person who told me my boyfriend needed to commit suicide was told to drop dead so I shall do the same to you for equality. DROP DEAD
We all know you love 'joshy' but how much do you love him ?
It isn't important to you
If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose?
I'm already Blue so I am outside the natural palette
Wrong language I speak spanish not italian ;) Te amo <3
Għarus tiegħek jeħtieġ li tmur jikkommettu suwiċidju!
I agree with you with the "living in the land of the chavs" but I would word it living in a world full of cunts
Haha who is this? Made me chuckle
What i find funny is that you thihk your relationship so perfect but right now hes with other girls
I* think* is so* he's* 1) I don't think it is perfect because nothing is perfect 2)Yeah he probably is with other girls, but so what? He is at a theatre doing some sort of work, so yeah girls are bound to be there 3) Shut up muppet and come off anonymous before saying rubbish, you have fantasized.
Chat shit get banged!
Hey there Mr. please vacate the building through door beneath your feet. Bye now
Your not the traditional girl
You dont wear loads makeup
Don't wear revealing clothes
And dont act like a girl
Wtf is wrong with you
I dont wear loads of makeup and I don't wear revealing clothes because I am not a tart. If that is the traditional girl I seriously feel for society. I don't act like a girl because there is nothing a set way to act. I may act like a lad, but i have female traits too. Society is messed up and has the perfect image for everyone, well unfortunately for you I dont conform to this image. I am who I am, deal with it or beat it!
I am sorry young anonymous, however I do not wish to drop dead :) Also, if I didn't like Josh I hardly doubt I would worry about him, force him to eat, dry his clothes when he has been on the streets etc. Sorry to disappoint you anonymous, however, I don't think I will be going anywhere anytime soon :D
What would you do for a night with your boy 'joshy' ?
I'm not allowed and we both know that, so nothing yet, may as well not lie for anything and stay in good books
Why do you love josh ? He is such a dick, he hurts you all the time right ? He is an arse he should have gone and done what he threatened to do a long time ago, no one likes him, but I suppose you love him because of the way he is, sorry I personally don't like him, I'm just glad he makes you happy
you may not like him but i do. now jump off your high horse and go someone else
Boy tiegħek huwa Dick, huwa telaq me 2 snin ilu, marru lura għal Brittanja u resqu fuq, ddejjaqni lilu, huwa wiegħed li kieku kien jingħata lura f'Malta u huwa ma
Can you retype that in english not maltese please I can't be bothered translating it or messaging josh to find out what the hell you are saying.
Anon who said you love my girlfriend, You wouldn't get greff, maybe if I liked you, your death would be quick and painless as Tonisha is Mine...don't appreciate other people saying they love my girl to be honest...Iloveyounisha and thanks for mentioning that twat saying that ;) <3
Hey josh they arnt twats. Be nice. People can't they feel towards someone and me and you both know. At least this person was honest. So be nice :P ILoveYou too <3