

Ask @ChristinaMercury

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What do you think about the Promo of TVD? I'm really disappointed!

I'm not into TVD as much as I used to be so ... while I was watching it I almost fell asleep.. You see there's a big difference between storyline.. I mean when I saw promo of Arrow I got a heartattack but TVD ... nada.

What do you think about tvd season 6 promo? Personnaly it looks terrible.. I was wondering if I should keep watching or not but now I just can't take their shit anymore -.-

Honestly... I will watch it but just because of Steroline... I'm curios about their relationship. About the promo I really don't remember when has TVD become the sotry about Delena... It's aaaaaaall about them them.. and that makes me sick bc, tbh, I don't care about any of those two anymore.

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Hi. :) I would be SO SO SO grateful if you could tell me how you render your (totally awesome and epic!) vids to have best quality. I mean Project properties and rendering / custom settings. Of course feel free to ignore this silly question, but...I would be happy if you could tell me something.

Paulina Wawrzyniak
hey :) actually I have a regular project properties.. that means I didn't change anything in the original ony vegas properties... but I render my videos into wmv 720p :)

do you use any HD converting programs?

Yop. I used 4Videosoft MKV Video Converter but now I'm using XviD4PSP 6.0

Holy crap!! Your video was breathtaking it was so amazing just like everyone of your videos !! Wow! That was beautiful you are truly gifted ❤️ I keep watching it over and over !! Thank you for creating that it was wonderful

Aaaaw <3 Thank you so very much! I honored to hear that ^.^

Okay, so I'm being exceptionally lazy over here and if you don't want to answer this if you don't have to but do you remember a scene during S3-4 where Stiles is holding a phone....? Just the ones that come to mind immediately I have already used in my vid!

Nothing comes to my mind rn sorry :/
Liked by: Ms.Perfect

Maybe I will. The thing is that I'm using the same song. So I'll have to find another one.

Lila Fraser's Ridge.
Thousands of people used the same song. It's a beautiful song that fits them :) so my advice... do a video with the song you want to vid. Don't care about anything else.

I LOVE YOUR NEW TFIOS VIDEO SO MUCH! And surely I won't finish mine now. 'Cause yours is way too perfect.

Lila Fraser's Ridge.
Oh come on girl! don't you dare do that to me! I'm dying to see somethin' new from you so wake up and finish it! anyway Thank you so so so very much <3 ♥

When are you going to write your The Second Chance story? :) and what is your name on Wattpad? :D

I don't have Wattpad and I'm not planning to write a fanfic :) I just like to make trailers.

What's is gonna be your next video about ? :D

Don't know yet xoxo. My TVD episodes are still converting.
Maybe something from the ew ep of TW. I'm working on an Olicity collab with iForeverYooung <3 I have also like thousands of ideas about new trailers, not just TVD but also TW. So that's it :)

I love your Stalia videos so much<3 These two are my new OTP and I'm glad you love them too ^.^

I DO! <3 Thank you so much babe! ♥

The OTP that hurt you the most right now ?

Stelena - bc of stupid Elena
Scallison - heartbreaking end of their love story
Charah - wish I would see how it ended :(

Funniest Crack Video? Favourite Scene In Television This Year? Best Written Series This Year? Sorry, I'm bored.... Very bored.

Funniest crack - Probably one of LoveSucksManiac's, she has the best crack videos :)
Fav scene - Oliver telling Felicity "I love you"
Best written series - I really loved Arrow s2, Teen Wolf s4 <3

What's the funniest thing you've done/seen?

I can't choose cuz I'm laughing my whole life even when it's not even funny xoxo

Heeey Love, I really adore your videos and I wanted to ask you, whether you can do video about Stefan and womanizer song? I know he´s not that kind of guy, but I think you´d make a lot of girls happy with his hot side :) x

Hey <3 Thank you so much babe! ♥ it means a lot! unfortunately I have a lot of videos on my plans so I don't think I could make it but maybe If I'll be in a mood for that :)

opinion on livart, Vervain Cage, Kitty Kat, MakeStronger3, ThePeachAlien, xXPrimadonnaGirlXx, GellarProdz?

All of them are great vidders! love their videos :)
+ I love Kitty Kat's colorings


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