

Ask @ChristinaMercury

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who's your favorite perso in tvd ? #FrenchFan

I like every single one <3 but hte most Stefan, Caroline, Jenna, Lexi

Thank youuu for the song Legions Of Dooms :) You're from Slovakia and you look TVD all weeks ? #FrenchFan ;)

Yop :) absolutely truth

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Could u link here that moviemaker which u use when u make tvd videos?

Sony Vegas pro 11... I don't know how should I link it

I'm so sad, I can't see your Video because of the GEMA, maybe you know it... :( <3

Ou darling I'm sorry ... It's because if the song I used :/ I don't know what to do about it sorry :(

You're so welcome! ♥ Caskett and Stelena - that's great! I got two questions about stelena: Since when do you ship them? And how do you want them to get back together? (in case you want that :D) So how would you imagine their perfect "reunification"? :))

:) so I ship them since the beginning :) <3 and Of course I want them back together. I don't care how they get back toghether because it doesn't matter :) but I think that it could be romantic if Stefan would save her and she would kiss him :D

May I get the song for your video 'Stefan & Elena: I wanted it to be you'? Awesome video btw!

Sure :) it's all I want by Kodaline :) and Thank you <3

i love your videos - they're amazing! Oh and i noticed we share a lot of ships like f.e. stelena, klaroline (do you ship them?), zade, i also really like castle & beckett but the three ships i mentioned the first are my OTPs :) I'd like to know which couple/not-yet couple of all you like the most?

Thank you so much! <3 I love all the couples you wrote :) I think that the couples I ship the most right know is Caskett and Stelena :)

HI ♥ Do you make a Vid for 5x06 ? :) BTW what do you think about the new episode? <3

Hey :) I already upload it, it's about stelena <3 and I think it was great! can't wait for another one ;)

Hey... i wantched your video "glee-he's gone" and your text under this video. I have same feelings. Still! I love Cory. He is still in my eyes and his voice is still in my heart. Goodbye :) cory's fans forever!


I'm loved it too! I'm sure in the next episode there is a fantastic Stelena moment :) oh yes the scenes with Katherine and Nadia were great! <3 Hahah I loved it when Stefan broke Damon's neck, that was the best scene in this episode, for me! *-* ♥ Goodbye, sleep well :)

Let's hope so! <3 yeah I love it too! And thank you :) so do you <3


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