
Eric L

Why does it matter so much to me when I sense that someone either just doesn’t like me or my responses? I see someone on here liking nearly every response of another friend whereas they hardly ever like mine despite me liking so many of their responses and I shouldn’t take it personally but I do :/

I dunno

Latest answers from Eric L

He didn’t follow me back on social media in the past but when I recently followed him again, he followed back. What could’ve changed since him and I never really spoke throughout the years we’ve known each other and I even moved further away in distance from him a few years ago?


Do you think you’d go crazy if you were to be on here almost all the time? Why or why not?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Yeah omg that and internet social media I feel like if I’m not busy I need to be looking at something plus this is fun

Oh wow so immature I can respond to shoutouts get a clue and get a life quit being so bored gotta go in that note I'm not going to even acknowledge ignorant negativity thanks love vibes only here! This isn't HS we don't need cliques or fake cliques with made up people even worse stop please lol 😂😂


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