
Clayton Bissett

Ask @ClaytonBissett

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Do you have art or posters on your wall? PAP!

I have another one "Keep Calm" but it's kinda embarrassing so I'll just leave this one here!😂
Appreciate this, it took me ages to get it in the right positions!😫
Liked by: Ellie-Mae

What is the longest you've ever gone without any sleep?

Like 25 hours when I flew over to New York, jet lag got me😭😭😭

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Are you generally a more optimistic or pessimistic person?

Depends what day& my mood😉 Pessimistic some days, but also optimistic👍🏼

What personality type are you out of the 16 personalities?

Probably all of them because my mood changes every 5 minutes😉😂

What is the last thing you do before bed?

Check all my social media countless times😂 Then clean my room even if it's like a few shirts that need to be put away in my walk-in-wardrobe, I don't like sleeping in a messy room, NO THANK YOU😐

If you could instantly speak any language in the world, what would it be?

I'd love to be able to speak Italian😋

Funniest "Laugh Out Loud" moment you've encountered today?

Well I've been with Paige today so there's been plenty of 'Laugh Out Loud' moments;)

What teacher in school made the most impact on you and why?

My English teacher, I was graded a D in year 10 but at the end of year 11 I was predicted a grade B+😊

What do you think of tattoos?

Don't mind them, it's your body so do what you want with it if it makes you happy👍🏼

What was unclear

Why is everyone getting these questions?😂 Who wants to know whether someone got "Put over the knee as a child?"😁😳


Language: English