
♥ আপনার ব্যক্তিগত বেশ্যা

Ask @ConnieCulmer

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Ill give you my name dont tell anyone or answer deal?

I dnt want a name u culd say any name u like . come off anon so i can be sure :( pleaasssee? Promise on my life i wont answer oxoxox

No i dont have you on facebook ill add you if you get it back

Noo pleassseee:( come off anon i wont answerr i promise xoxoxox

I'll settle for cuddles and ice cream if you wanna know who i am get back on facebooj

Do u have me on facebook? If i reactivated it? Or just come off anon and i wont answer, i promise on my life i wont answer if u come off anon. Nd cuddles and ice cream are pretty lovely

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But i want series your taken and im 16. He doesn't deserve you

Off anon now. I dnt have facebook and no one looks at my ansewers please just come off anon im begging

But you dont even know who i am and fuck yes

I just like cuddles and ice cream why not share it with a randomer? :D

You have no idea who i am but you are beautiful i wanna be your girl and you to be my girl

Please come off anon so i can spoon you in bed and we can share chocolate ice cream together

If you could meet one person (dead or alive) who would it be and why? :)

Ben drew (plan b) just generally cause i love him to pieces ngl
Liked by: elle x

What does it mean when a man looks at other women when he is with his girlfriend?

It means hes a man. Men cant help that shit even if his gf was the fittest bird in the world hed still look at others it natural

What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?

Well instead of cutting down on things like electricity because of the damage it is doing, I'd like to put more research into looking for other resources we can use. We need to find an alternative before our resources run out. People are so obsessed with reducing our carbon footprint because we've been scared into it, that what they don't know is if we do turn our lights off and stop using our cars it will only delay 'the end of the world' by about 2 years so it wont make a difference.


Language: English