
Davon Smith

Ask @Daaavooonnnnn

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i do agree that people shouldnt cut but honestly you dont know what they've been through and its tough for them & it might be the only way they know how to deal

The only way u can deal with problems is by cutting urself ? No the way to deal with ur problems is by facing them .. Like alright let's say a girl got raped when she younger and she decides to cut herself .. Like no u should go to someone get help and even if that doesn't work keep trying .. Just putting a blade to ur skin is pointless .. U won't die if u want to.. Ur problems won't go away .. It won't take away the pain .. It will just make it worse
Liked by: lais Sam

What do you think about people who cut themselves?

Honest right now I think there is absolutely no reason to put a knife to your skin no matter how many problems you have ... Like I understand people are not strong and break down easily but what's the point to put a blade to ur skin? Like if u really want to kill yourself .. Cutting is just pointless I'm not trying to be offensive but if you want to do die so bad then end it .. Don't cut and post pictures and shit and tell people like its pointless . There's kids who starve and get raped and all this shit and they don't cut .. And then u see some girl who got called fat and she thinks life is over .. People may cut .. But there is no reason to no matter what's happened in your life

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No, cause your African American so I don't listen to you.... And I'm gonna eat your little sisters and puke them up and let my dog eat the puke and then my dog will puke that in your mouth and you will eat it and it would taste yummy

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Language: English