
Davon Smith

Ask @Daaavooonnnnn

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Oh lord okay
1: she's cripple like me
2: I'm not really insecure doe
3: hmm I regret running too far outside lol my ankle
4: they have hair (;
5: I like all food
6: "not really life is pretty boring"- Alex t
7: well I don't know actually lol
8: probably never being able to play sports again
9: for Tara to eat so much food and get fat and blowup
10: lol no .. Not true
11: if u burp in my face ur getting fucked up .. Don't lie to me . And scratchy sounds
12: haven't met that person
13: 6"0
14: Idk actually
15: cripple, blacky, nig nog
16: um sometimes I joke too much lol
17: whenever I see nick petrochko
18: um ...... On my bus ride to Washington, D.C. Lol
19: " Don't cry because it's over, cry because ur ugly."
20: I wish I was better at being nice hahaha
21: nope I've Been a little disappointed not heartbroken
22: " BLEED BITCH BLEED , BLEED!!!!!!"- eminem
23: probably the way I act
24: I'm obsessed with snapchat .. Gotta admit it
25: telling Alex to die ... Telling Shane to die.. Calling mike doumit ugly (:
26: I'm addicted to being weird
27: .. Farted on my face
28: when I broke my ankle
29: I think I can sing .. Dance ... Beatbox .. Play sports ... And I can tell when someone lies
30: how's ur ankle

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LMAAO YOU'RE SO FUNNY . I'm gunna kill you tomorrow

Honey ..... U can try .. But I will find you first... And I will beat ur ass .. And ur friends ... And I'll come to ur house and shit in ur bed .. Then I will go to dance place .. Blow it up ... Then I'll cut ur legs off so u can't dance ... Then I'll cut ur hair .. And I will slowly make u watch me eat all my meals for a week and u don't get anything besides my cut toenails ...bitch
Liked by: Sam Sarah Gurnari

What do you most value in your friends?

Well I'm not sure if I'm explaining this right but there all loyal as shit and they won't lie to me or do shit behind my back and I can depend on them when I need help or anything ...we would all take a bullet for eachother ... But Zach would probably catch the bullet in his teeth knowing that motherfucker lol

How do you know when you're in love?

When u get a tingly feeling in ur stomach..and get butterflies and just u can't control it .. Then u realize their is actually something in ur stomach eating u alive from the inside and that person u think u love will probably think ur a wierdo sitting there grabbing ur stomach

Have you ever stolen anything?

... Pretty sure I just stole everyone's mom virginity .. I'm actually a father to a lot of people .. They just don't kno :D


Language: English