
Ni Putu Dyani

Ask @Dance_around

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kak,story dong

Baru login ask.fm setelah sekian bulan and all of the questions I got is temen-temen gw minta di describe, imp, long story, dll.
Im sorry but I won't reply to this kinda question because this type of questions are boring. Please don't send it to me.
Liked by: Popy Ariska c.a.j

which was your favourite picture that i've ever posted in instagram? post it here plsss 😂 (@jesslynmetta) (somehow the anonymous feature cannot be ticked off) (asking this question out of curiosity and boredom so pls bear with it)

here. You looked your best here.
which was your favourite picture that ive ever posted in instagram post it here
Liked by: c.a.j

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tapi aku ga bisa relain dia pergi cii :(( aku sayang banget sama diaa :""(((. aku harus gimanaa ?? :((((((

tapi aku ga bisa relain dia pergi cii  aku sayang banget sama diaa  aku harus

What is something that is "uncool" that you do anyway?

Writing a diary.
Someone told me to try writing because apparently it really calms me down in a way.
and it turns out that he was right all along.
Thank you.
What is something that is uncool that you do anyway

cici cantik bgt kl sama mami gitu penah g dibilang "aduuh anak mami cantik nya

e sumpah gua gak nanya sendiri ya ini

cici bisa cantik putih bersih gitu pake pembersih muka apa? Pap ya thanks before

cantik. putih. bersih.
bohong kamu. aku tau kok tampangku kayak apa :'(

Do you like to act spontaneously or plan things? Why?

i love to plan things out but when the time comes i tend to act spontaneusly so.

iyaa pahit, kadang agak kerasa panas gitu kok org dewasa suka ya?

nanti tanya lagi ya pas aku udah dewasa

met gereja ci semoga d minggu yg cerah ini semakin khusuk ibadah nya god bless for us

makasih yaaa 💕💕


Language: English