
Daniela Mancuso

Ask @DanyMan98

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Would you rather live in the mountains or on the beach?

beach, duh I can't stand the feeling of being lost in the middle of nowhere. I hate being isolated!!! you start to go crazy after a while!

Are you stylish?

eh, I have my own very unique style!! that consists of converse and beans and an old T-shirt that I got and the back of my drawer.

How well can you cook?

I can manage well in the kitchen I'm no professional but I could whip up something edible in 30 mins or les

How can you tell that someone is lying?

if they start laughing right in your face when they're trying to be as serious as possible!

What are your favorite smoothie ingredients?

anything that screams TROPICS!!!!, but I really also love the simple banana and strawberry blend!!!

Who is the best movie villain?

there are so many that are my favorite
top 3 are.....
Lord Voldemort - Harry Potter
Loki - Marvel
Gollum - Lord of the Rings

What country's foods do you like the most?

My stomach will always crave Italian home cooking, but I love Greek, Chinese, and Japonese food.....etc. I'm not picky I love to try new things :)

What was the last song you sang out loud to?

Let it go - Frozen
I managed to get the high note for quite some time!!!


Language: English