

Ask @DejaStyles

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What would you do if you were sitting on someones face and needed to fart?

I would never sit on someones face so i don't think i would be anwsering this question correctly.

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In Your opinion, what's the difference between a Girl and a Boy?

Well thats tough.If you have a vigina and/or you believe that you are a girl, than you are a girl. If you have a penis and/or beilieve that you are a boy than your a boy. My opinion haha

At the moment, you were thinking of Your Lover? Your Best Friend? Your Favourite Famous People? Or Your Worst Ennemy?

I think i was thinking about Channing tatum haha weird right

Any favourite video game? Suggestions?

I dont really play video games but i watch my cousin play. So far that games i watched, I think Kingdom Heart seems the most interesting, so i guess that can be a suggestion for you :)

What is the thing that bothers You the most?

When people has a huge issue over same sex marriage. If gays and lesbians wants to get married i don't think that it is going to affect your life.

What can totally impress you?

When a guy is a great hip hop dance and singer... idk kinda turns me on in a star and people lol


Language: English