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why did you and Marie stop talking

OMG seriously. STOP BRINGING HER UP! SHE IS NOT IMPORTANT TO ANYMORE! Fuck off and leave me alone! Im pretty sure ik who is sending me this. Like seriously grow the fuck up and get over it. Im sick of this dumbass question. If you want to know ask her. She is the one that that started this BS. Bye!
Liked by: Patricia Giogaia

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OMG! There's a list!
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But what did Marie do to you? wasn't the fight between her and jasmine like your pathetic for that you should grow the fuck up and clear the air with Marie because shes a good person with a great heart and weren't you guys like best friend for a very long time so why end it now cause of stupid shit?

Why did SHE end our relationship for stupid shit? She stopped talking to me because of my opinion that SHE asked for. So she is pathetic and need to grow up because after that whole thing started she decides to stop talking to me i was willing to let it all pass but no it has to blow all out of proportion. I didn't ask to be part of that but she dragged me so its really not my fault. If your reading this Marie and you probably are, just let it go because I'm so over it.

Why do you hate Marie she didn't do nothing to you and why are you obsessed with Jasmine?

For the first part: I never said i hate her, i just don't like her. Plain and simple. She handed me the scissors and i decided to cut her off for the sake of my sanity. Does that anwser your question.
For the second part: if you had a best friend you would want to talk to them all the time right?? Im not obsessed with her i just love talking to her because we understand each other. And mainly because i love jasmine and you can never go wrong with talking to her <3


Correction! His name is new new! Lmao anyways he is madd funny and really chill and i cant wait until he comes to highschool.


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