
Dila Fauzia

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Latest answers from Dila Fauzia

gimnana dill di ausie????

alhamdulillaaah baik2 aja niih, altho rada bosen sikh telama semester break seminggu ini..enaknya ngapain yaa, ada suggestion??

How do you learn best: by listening, watching, reading or doing?

watching and doing usually. u know..visual are better than saying with words. "action speaks louder than words"

What's your morning routine?

bangun kesiangan, skip sarapan, siap2 buru2, nyampe kelas ngos2an, beli kopi, baru idup melek bener2.

What is your favorite way to spend some time alone?

reading with the most beautiful scenery. God how i miss reading for fun.

Describe your life in five words?

like most common people have, but yeah I'm still grateful. enough. happy. blissful. design. never ending work.

What is the worst thing you got in trouble for as a child?

ketauan ngerokok. lol dan berkali2, tapi ngelesnya banyak. yha skrg udah berjalan 2 bulan berenti. hamdalah. rokok disini mahal sist.

Language: English