
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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Sexiest women in order. Canadian, Southern, Japanese, New York, California, British. GO!

Ok Will go into 2 categories Film/TV & Wrestling
Canadian: Lindy Booth/Vanessa Kraven
Southern: Christina Hendricks/ODB
Japanese: Haruka Ayase/ Ayako Hamada
New York: Michelle Trachtenberg/ Beth Phoenix/ Chrissy Rivera (I gotta show some love)
California: Allison Brie/Mae Whitman/ Carla Jade
British: Kate Winslet/ Paige
Awesome Question, I gave it some thought.
Liked by: Clamps Joe

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Do you think Zack Ryder is a good wrestler?

I really do think he was a great worker, he has done things and gained popularity that a lot of workers want to achieve. It is just sad that WWE buried him so deep. :-(
Liked by: Candice

What makes life worth living?

Getting to the moments in life that make you happy. Whether they last a lifetime or a brief moment, those moments are what we all should strive for. Yes there may be more losses than wins but when you think about it, the Joy is more memorable than the pain. Never let the bad outweigh the good in any way.

Dino I have a problem where I have the option to go to conformation class for god but people treat me weird and make me feel like I dont belong should I quit or continue for god please help

First off lemme say this, You Belong, Just not in their little circle of Judgement. You belong in the best place ever, Your world. Those who want to know you will be treated to the wonderful person you are. I use to be picked on when I was a little boy but I said to hell with those who think they were better than me when the thing is they are so insecure that they feel the need to try and bring down those who actually have the guts to do what they want to do and be whoever they want to be. You will run into some real ass-holes as life goes on but they don't mean dick. You are a Super Bad Ass Individual because you are doing what YOU want to do. Now as for your question I think you should do what makes YOU feel happy, it might sound like it is easy for me to say pay the haters no mind, but I don't bullshit those who come to me looking for advice because I would never want to be bullshitted by those I come to. If YOU feel good about what you are doing then I say keep doing it. Never and I mean Never Ever let the petty words of those who are too chicken shit to think and do things for themselves and too close minded to see that someone is not doing them any harm. I can almost guarantee you that those who look at you strange are actually thinking to themselves "Why in the blue hell can't I so what that person is doing?, Why do I care so much about what others think?" And at the end of the day go home and wish they could be brave and Bad Ass like You. After that long rant, I say continue to do what makes you feel good and what makes you happy, as long as there is no real harm or pain coming to others or yourself then there is nothing to be ashamed or afraid of. (HUG)

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Will you be reading a nL FanFic on #FacialTime or will it be on the 24 hour stream? Also you are one of the best things to happen to nL since FinlayCock! Keep Rockin or shall i say Keep Cockin!

I MIGHT be partaking in a reading. Thank You Very Much for the compliment, I seriously am Very Proud to be apart of nL :-)
Liked by: Candice Clamps

When was the last time you tried something new?

Not too long ago. I worked on a story that actually helped me summarize what I was going through and taught me how to let go of past demons and move on in life. I actually haven't been able to figure out an ending because I have been in a better place recently so it might be unfinished for a while. But I will be getting to a different kind of Darkness when I finish my next villain for Scott Lost's comic 2nd Shift which you can pick up the first 2 issues at www.scottlostcomics.com lol.

Who you got? COME ON BRIEEEE or Billion Dollar Princess Devitt with her HusbandBoss Bad Luck Helmslae?

If She was anything like the gimmick you are combing I will totally go for The Real Bill N' Doller Princess Devitt with her HusbandBoss Bad Luck Helmslae

how do you do such great impressions

Thank You for the compliment, To Be honest I don't think I do great ones, I do what sounds close enough to the person I am trying to impersonate.
Liked by: rooney

Favorite Pizza?

Meat Lovers or Hawaiian.
Brand Wise I say main franchise Pizza Hut, Mom and Pop Place it's a toss up (No pun intended) Pizzamania and Ambrose.
Liked by: Candice


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